From Iceland — Petition To Save Nasa Underway

Petition To Save Nasa Underway

Published July 11, 2012

A petition has been started to save the nightclub Nasa from being torn down and turned into a hotel.
As reported, NASA is set to be demolished soon, to make way for a hotel. Torfi Hjartarson, who sits on the planning committee for the Leftist-Greens in Reykjavík city hall, has said that the city could simply buy the building, or rent it, and thereby save it. Páll Óskar agrees, as this is his solution to the NASA question.
“I believe the best solution in this area is to let NASA stand and continue its work,” he said at the time. “The government and the city should buy the property, and ensure the continuing artistic and cultural work that goes on there. The Architectural Heritage Committee should protect the house inside and out.” He called the hotel plan “one of the largest and worst environmental and cultural disasters in the history of Reykjavík”, adding that there are no shortages of hotels in downtown Reykjavík.
RÚV now reports that Páll Óskar is one of many behind a new petition that has been stated, Save Ingólfstorg And Nasa. Nearly 5,000 people have already signed the petition at the time of this writing, having grown from about 1,200 signatures barely a day ago.
“We should maybe just accept the fact that our downtown is small,” Páll Óskar said. “We can be small. We don’t need giant buildings in the middle of downtown.”
The petition in question can be found here. It objects to the building of hotels in that area as causing detrimental shadow and crowding, and calls upon authorities to conserve Nasa. The petition requires a name and kennitala to sign.

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