From Iceland — Male Cashier Unhappy With Discount For Women

Male Cashier Unhappy With Discount For Women

Published September 22, 2011

A 20-year-old male cashier at Hagkaup in Akureyri has filed discrimination charges against the VR trade union and Hagkaup, on the grounds that their 10% discount offer for women is sexist.
VR and Hagkaup had recently teamed up to offer 10% off for women in all Hagkaup stores. Hallur Reynisson, the cashier in question, has filed formal discrimination charges against VR chairperson Stefán Einar Stefánsson as well as against Gunnar Inga Sigurðsson, the director of Hagkaup.
In a statement he sent to the press, he says that while he is aware that there is a wage gap between men and women, he says he does not want to take part in discriminating against customers. Hallur compares the situation to providing a discount based on skin colour, sexual preference or religious beliefs.
Hallur also told Pressan that he hasn’t quit Hagkaup, but if he is fired it would be a relief, as he “doesn’t want to work for people who discriminate.”
10% discounts for women are being offered at a number of different stores across the country, and not solely at Hagkaup. The full list can be found on VR’s website.

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