From Iceland — Soap Thief On The Loose

Soap Thief On The Loose

Published August 30, 2011

Soap is disappearing from the capital’s swimming pools, and this has at least one pool director concerned enough to call for a concerted action.
As those who have visited a swimming pool in Reykjavík know, showers provide swimmers with free access to a gel that can be used as both soap or shampoo. Pressan reports that these dispensers are emptying far faster than normal consumption would suggest, leading some to the conclusion that a thief – or group of thieves, possibly working together – are pumping out all the gel to take home.
Jens Á. Jónsson, a pool director from Grafarvogur with many years experience in the capital’s pools, said that he believes the theft is related to Iceland’s difficult financial times, as he cannot recall such brazen and widespread theft of pool soap happening before.
It so happened that when Pressan contacted Jens, he was on his way to a meeting with other pool directors, where he said he intended to bring up the matter for discussion. Possible solutions – such as having a Securitas guard standing in the showers at all times – were not discussed.
While the cleaning gel is free to use, it is against the law to fill up an empty bottle with it to take home for personal use, just as it would be to take home towels or swimsuits belonging to the pool.
The Grapevine does not recommend using the pool soap/shampoo on a daily basis.

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