From Iceland — Iceland Thanks the Immigrants

Iceland Thanks the Immigrants

Published March 18, 2009

A special “gratitude campaign” is being launched to show Iceland’s immigrants thanks for their participation in our society.
Initiated by the Human Rights Office and Auga, a good-works fund of the advertisement industry, the campaign is a means by which to publicly thank Iceland’s immigrants for their part in building up our country. According to Morgunblaðið, the aim of the campaign is to fight against prejudice by drawing people’s attention towards the positive effects that multiculturalism has on Icelandic society.
The campaign will cover two weeks, in the form of advertisements publicly thanking immigrants in their native languages (above is “thank you” in Mandarin Chinese) on television, newspapers, magazines, on bus signs and on the net. It coincides with the beginning of the European Week Against Racial Discrimination.
The campaign is a voluntary effort, sponsored in part by the Association of Icelandic Advertisement Offices, Árvakur, Fréttablaðið, Afa JCDecaux, Sjónvarpið, Stöð 2, Skjár einn, and Ví
For more information, visit the Human Rights Office or Auga (both in Icelandic).

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