From Iceland — Track By Track: Dulræn Atferlismeðferð By Kött Grá Pjé

Track By Track: Dulræn Atferlismeðferð By Kött Grá Pjé

Published September 30, 2024

Track By Track: Dulræn Atferlismeðferð By Kött Grá Pjé
Photo by
Kött Grá Pjé

Rapper Kött Grá Pjé’s Dulræn Atferlismeðferð is mystical, groovy and true to the heart

Debuting as a solo artist 10 years ago, Kött Grá Pjé recently released his most mystic album yet. Out on August 16, the feline-loving rapper joined forces with producer Fonetik Simbol, a.k.a. Helgi Pétur Lárusson, with additional support from artists Benni Hemm Hemm and Emperor Sara Lou.

Tíkarlegir bílar
I prefer shitty cars to nice ones. The latter don’t agree with me. It’s not very profound. The verses begin as nonsense. Then the rhyme disappears.

Upp, mín arga sál
Probably my favourite beat on the album. Such a beautiful piece. It’s a kind of psalm, albeit a deranged and chaotic one. The witch in the chorus has followed me for a while, appearing first in a book of mine a few years back. Nice lady.

Hvít ský
The world is ending. Nevermind. The word “sequence” is fucked. This can happen as the world ends. In the demo version I rapped the chorus, which was trash, so Benni Hemm Hemm sang it like an archangel.

Kabalar á Nesinu
My ode to Seltjarnarnes, that shithole. It’s not only little and low, but also overrun by secret cabals, monsters, and devilry. It is true. The beat is way too cool for me, but Helgi made it work.

The beat is a sweet little piece, like a nice spring morning. The “I” in the lyrics on the other hand is a useless piece of shit. Self pitying cunt. Probably some part of myself.

Dauði með köflum
The mundane. It’s basic, like a summer edition of a soda. I borrowed the title from José Saramago. I imagine Helgi made the beat while taking a bubble bath, and Benni played the bass in a sauna.

Skriðdrekar á Hringbraut
Haven’t got a clue what I’m rapping about except that in the chorus I’m watching rows of pink tanks drive west Hringbraut, as I drink coffee by my kitchen window.

The last man, the least man, the opposite of the alpha. The chorus is a poem by Aðalbjörg Jónsdóttir frá Helgastöðum, a melancholic piece on getting old. I’ve got issues but the flute is pretty.

Endurheimt votlendiz
Helgi did a fantastic job. It’s so clean while the rap is filthy. The glorious witch, Emperor Sara Lou, did the beautiful chorus. The juxtaposition of an avian love affair and all the fucks is kind of sweet.

Kettlingur með slípirokk
I once got an angle grinder to the face. That was fun. The beat is kind of hypnotic to me. It doesn’t flow like a stream, it’s more like a spot in the ocean.

Kött sá sól
Disco about suicide. Death is always near. It’s okay to dance to it. The voice box effect was Helgi’s idea because I’m shit at choruses.

Það sem fuckers dreymir um
Reykjavík as seen by a depressed 38-year-old through the windows of a bus on route 11. There’s some science fiction in there. The beat carries me out to sea. You can watch the city from there, from some islet.

Tilhugsun um kinnalit
One of the prettiest songs on the album, courtesy of Helgi and Benni. The lyrics are full of witchcraft, madness, and bad omens. Cthulhu on the toilet.

I’m not sure how much I remember and how much I imagined. The past is like that. Facts are fiction. Red wine, speed and oblivion. I recorded the rap over a different beat but Helgi wanted something funky.

Handan svarta regnbogans
The lyrics are a variation on an old piece of mine. The gods are laughing at us; in us and above us. Fuck us.

Dulræn atferlismeðferð
Funky drums and some soul. The lyrics are a little rushed but I like my performance, how I almost fall behind but still keep up with the beat. Benni did the beautiful chorus. I can’t write like that.

Skuggi í buxum
Shout out to Mayakovsky. If you’re a shadow you can’t escape the darkness. just roll a smoke and take it easy. The beat reminds me of something but I’m not sure what. re what.

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