From Iceland — Grapevine New Music: Lúpína & Daði Freyr, Mammaðín, Supersport & More

Grapevine New Music: Lúpína & Daði Freyr, Mammaðín, Supersport & More

Published July 29, 2024

Grapevine New Music: Lúpína & Daði Freyr, Mammaðín, Supersport & More
Photo by
Art Bicnick

With the Merchant’s Day weekend coming up before us, here are the newest tracks you should add to your playlist. Whether for your quiet dinner party, a raucous function before hitting the town, a road trip to one of the many countryside festivals, we’ve got your leisure-bound ass covered with the newest Icelandic music.

Juno Paul — RVK Is Dumb
Released July 19

Juno Paul’s slacker-infused music has been hitting the spot (that’s what the young’uns call it, I’m told) consistently for a couple of years. His latest track “RVK Is Dumb” is a surprising left-turn for the artist who mainly prides himself on Kurt Cobain-esque stage antics and punk-rock 🤘 “RVK Is Dumb” is a nostalgic callback to late 2000’s electronica and dance music, with Juno Paul singing what we’re all thinking: Reykjavík is dumb. JB

Lúpína feat. Daði Freyr — ein í nótt
Released July 26
Up until now, Nína Sólveig Andersen — aka lúpína — has garnered herself quite a reputable status as one of Iceland’s most prominent songwriters. Straying away from her emotive, low-scale bedroom productions heard on her debut ringluð, lúpína goes fully explosive in her collaboration with Berlin-based pop star and (presumptive) Eurovision winner Daði Freyr. A match made in heaven, I’d say. If you want to check out an in-depth interview with lúpína, the Grapevine had her on a recent episode of 66 Degrees of Sound. JB

Mammaðín — Frekjukast
Released July 26
Elín Hall confidently dominated music headlines of 2023 with her sophomore release heyrist í mér? Turning her attention to a project of different calibre, Elín Hall and Katla Þórudóttir Njálsdóttir comprise the brand-new duo mammaðín (“your mom”). A ska-inspired track akin to Billie Eilish behemoth hits, “Frekjukast” (“Tantrum”) is an ode to female adversity. A snark rebuttal to patriarchy and the resurgence of conservative gender roles, “Frekjukast” pairs its political message with an awfully catchy chorus. JB

Hasar — Innipúki
Released July 26
Rock ‘n’ roll act Hasar is here to grab you by your shirt collar and shake you until you submit to its all-encompassing ferocity. Hot on the heels of their debut EP Gestalæti (out July 7), Hasar decided it was time for the long-standing Reykjavík festival Innipúkinn to have its own theme song. Shouty, rowdy, and littered with feedback, “Innipúki” is the perfect soundtrack to your Innipúkinn pre-game session. Beer kegs not included. JB

Supersport! — gráta smá
Released July 26
With their second single in as many months, Supersport! explore familial role models and how we’re all just extended versions of our parents on their latest track “gráta smá”. Weaving in and out of time changes, the song’s driving beat is frequently interrupted by interludes featuring Americana-inspired guitar riffs and slow, solemn drum fills. In addition to the single, Supersport! announced their upcoming album allt sem hefur gerst coming September 7. JB

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