From Iceland — Grapevine New Music: Spacestation, Biggi Maus, Gróa & More

Grapevine New Music: Spacestation, Biggi Maus, Gróa & More

Published June 14, 2024

Grapevine New Music: Spacestation, Biggi Maus, Gróa & More
Photo by
Axel Sigurðarson

With a new issue out on the streets today, writer Elías Þórsson examines the human effects of the ongoing eruptions near the town of Grindavík. It’s powerful stuff. Side effects of the latest volcano (y’know, besides jeopardising the lives of almost 300 people) were felt in the capital this week, as volcanic smog engulfed the town which resulted in its inhabitants experiencing what it feels like to be a smoker of 60 years. In positive news, there’s a plethora of great music just released. Let’s dive in.

Biggi Maus — Litli dauði / Stóri hvellur
Released June 5

Maus frontman Birgir Örn Steinarsson never dreamt he’d make another record. Following brief stints at a solo career with monikers Króna and Bigital, Birgir had almost withdrawn from music. Now, the indelible musician has restarted his passion for music with the 80s-influenced album Litli dauði / Stóri hvellur. Drawing from decades’ worth of experience, Biggi Maus’ release is a prime example of reinvention gone correctly. You can read an in-depth coverage of the album in the newest issue of the Reykjavík Grapevine. JB

Spacestation — Í draumalandinu
Released June 7

Reykjavík slackers Spacestation have not been on the scene for long, but have managed to sway old and young alike through their swagger and garage-rock revival. “Í draumalandinu” might hold the record of the longest lyrical strain sung without drawing a breath, which singer Björgúlfur Jes pulls off without breaking a sweat. This jangly guitar tune starts off like a BSÍ song — sans keyboard toes — as it dives into a jarring guitar riff so good you never want it to stop. JB

Sameheads — Tónlykt
Released June 7

How does music smell? Does it feel rancid or give you feelings of pollen in the air? It probably depends. However, sameheads’ debut album Tónlykt (Music Odour) smells good. Building on a myriad of influences — indie-rock, kraut, noise — this young group is probably making the jurors of the 2022 Músíktilraunir proud (seeing as they first came through that influential platform). Playful and fun, it sounds as if sameheads are this close to mastering their style. Recently, sameheads’ guitarist Baldur Skúlason joined our podcast, 66 Degrees of Sound, to talk the band’s very loose lineup and new music. JB

GRÓA — Cranberry
Released June 13

Punk band GRÓA surprised its fans with a brand new single —in fact, it’s their first ever single, as the trio adds to their catalogue of two LPs. “Cranberry” features a thunderous rhythm section, hypnotic vocal delivery and in true Gróa style, minimal instrumentation. The riot-grrl-influenced group has always been known for their joy of experimentation, something I suspect won’t be leaving them in the future. GRÓA is currently on tour in Central Europe with upcoming dates in Czechia and Germany. JB

Supersport! — fingurkoss
Released June 14

For some reason, I find connotations between Supersport! and the Big Thief’s Adrianne Lenker. Perhaps it’s the oppressive tweeness of the two or the high-quality musicianship. In any case, Supersport!’s latest track “fingurkoss” is a stellar masterclass in indie-pop sporting excellent production value and hooks that will follow you into the weekend. JB

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