From Iceland — Grapevine New Music: Lúpína, Kött Grá Pjé, KARÍTAS & More

Grapevine New Music: Lúpína, Kött Grá Pjé, KARÍTAS & More

Published May 24, 2024

Grapevine New Music: Lúpína, Kött Grá Pjé, KARÍTAS & More
Photo by
Art Bicnick/The Reykjavík Grapevine

This Friday greeted Iceland with a big ole yellow weather warning. Trampolines and yard furniture beware because this storm is out to get ya. Any weary travellers out there reading this might want to revisit their plans for today. In the meantime, cosy up somewhere warm and wait this one out. Preferably listening to the following tracks. If you’re up for more, check out the Official Grapevine Playlist™.

lúpína — gegnsæ
Released May 24

Harp-like plucking opens artist lúpína’s latest single as the singer employs her otherworldly — almost unnatural — voice covering high registries. Lúpína has firmly established herself as a rising phenomenon, focusing her efforts on songwriting expressive of heartbreak in its widest spectrum. Tentative and mournful, lúpína hits you with all the feels. JB

Sameheads — Barinn við Barinn
Released May 24

Part noise-rock, part post-punk, Sameheads’ newest track splays on the classical Icelandic vernacular joke ‘barinn við barinn’ (beat up at the bar). Of distorted guitars and feedback is plenty, as the band recounts a tale of a particularly raucous night out. Sameheads seem to find their footing on “Barinn við Barinn”, leaning into a grittier sound than what characterised their earlier work. Just watch out you won’t get beaten up at the bar. JB

Viibra — Viibra
Released May 24

Embarking on a journey with none other than Björk, flute septet Viibra was founded to support the artist on the album Utopia and her corresponding world tours. Now a force on their own, the amalgamation released their eponymously titled debut. Be prepared for flutes — a lot of flutes. Woodwinds in all shapes and sizes, this stunning, experimental debut is bound to make the likes of Andre 3000 blush. The band host their release concert on May 26 at Harpa, implying a once-in-a-lifetime event for the senses. JB

KARÍTAS — Million Years
Released May 24

While hesitant piano chords lay the foundation for this soul-inspired track, artist KARÍTAS repeats her disbelief of meeting that special someone. Progressing through the track, cascading voices join the singer, imbuing the song with a hue of 90s hip-hop reminiscent of TLC. What started out as a soft electronic ballad is suddenly transmuted into an accelerating RnB, supported by the lush backbeat. While the idea is simple, it is beautifully executed. JB

Kött Grá Pjé & Fonetik Simbol — Dauði með köflum
Released May 24

Alternative-rapper Kött Grá Pjé was a recurring artist about town pre-COVID, appearing on releases alongside the likes of Úlfur Úlfur, Benni Hemm Hemm, and Elli Grill. All the while, he maintained a strong solo career, known for his intellectual yet down-to-earth lyricism. His first release since 2022, when he collaborated with the aforementioned Benni and Urður, KGP drops the silky-smooth “Dauði með köflum”. Like Lazarus, he is risen. JB

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