From Iceland — Music News In Brief: Daði Freyr, Páll Ivan Frá Eiðum & Aron Can

Music News In Brief: Daði Freyr, Páll Ivan Frá Eiðum & Aron Can

Published June 16, 2017

Music News In Brief: Daði Freyr, Páll Ivan Frá Eiðum & Aron Can
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Páll Ivan frá Eiðum is one of the more eccentric musicians in Iceland’s music scene. Also well known for his work as a composer and visual artist, his output under this name exists in a quite singular space, possibly located somewhere between retro acid-pop and parallel universe computer game music on the musical spectrum. It’s definitely on some kind of spectrum—a resolutely lo-fi enterprise, with a strong outsider sensibility. His new single “Taktu Lyf” came out on June 16 via MENGI records; new album ‘This Is My Shit’ will follow on September 29, on the same label. We have absolutely no idea what to expect. In a good way.

Art school indie-pop kid Daði Freyr may not have made it to Eurovision—he came second in the national selection showcase to pop singer Svala, who had an ignominious early exit from the competition—but it hasn’t held him back. He reports on his Facebook page that he’s been busily working on a brand new set for the summer, possibly including his cover of Svala’ s losing track “Paper,” which we’ve forgotten how to hum already. You can check him out live at the LungA Festival in July or at the Oddsson pre-party in Reykjavík on June 22.

Home taping didn’t kill music, and downloading hasn’t either. But a new trend has apparently taken over in Reykjavík’s high schools, where having the biggest possible collection of unreleased Icelandic hip-hop tracks has become something of a status symbol. Rumour has it that the hunger for unreleased tracks has intensified to the point where someone stole rapper Aron Can’s laptop, swiping forty unreleased tracks in the process. News of a house party at the thief’s place—when their parents go on holiday, presumably—is so far scarce.
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