From Iceland — Your Fancy Christmas Gift List

Your Fancy Christmas Gift List

Published December 9, 2010

Your Fancy Christmas Gift List

It’s the quintessential Christmas quandary. What to buy for the ones you love, the ones you like, and the ones you always end up buying something for out of obligation. We compiled a list of a few quirky choices that might just bring a smile to their dial.

‘Africa United’ by Ólafur Jóhannesson is a quirky Icelandic film that tells the story of Zico, a Moroccan living in Iceland whose business goes bust during the kreppa. In desperation he calls upon fellow immigrants living all over Iceland who come together to form an amateur football team. This fun and inspiring film is in both English and Icelandic with subtitles where necessary so you can be sure you won’t miss a thing. Available on DVD from Eymundsson. 1.999 ISK

Coffee table books may be somewhat passé but this revised version of ‘Eyjafjallajökull – Untamed Nature’ by Ari Trausti Guðmundsson is definitely worth a second glance. Featuring jaw dropping photography and a chronological timeline of the eruption from start to finish, it’s written in both Icelandic and English, so it’ll be still be somewhat exotic for those folks back home. Available from Eymundsson. 5.980 ISK

Every nation has its album of classic, quintessential and somewhat cringeworthy Christmas songs that they hum along to while wrapping presents, sing along to at office parties, and get drunk to on Christmas Day. ‘Gáttaþefur í glöðum hópi’, the classic album by legendary Icelandic singer/entertainer/ journalist/environmentalist, Ómar Ragnarsson, will have you remembering your Icelandic Christmas experience for years to come. Available from Skífan. 999 ISK


If you’re thinking a towel is a pretty unimaginative gift, then you definitely haven’t seen the Reykjavík Towel. This is one cool way to rub down! Its unique, award winning, almost Grecian design works for both men and women, and is fitted with a handy pocket and a little scrubby glove too. It’s creative, practical and reasonably priced too, what more can you ask for? Available from Minja, Skólavörðustígur 12, 6.900 ISK


If you find yourself wandering about on Hverfisgata don’t miss a chance to check out the wonderful range of Colombian, African and Icelandic jewellery, bags and crafts at ‘59’. The store is run by international NGO Worldwide Friends, so a percentage of everything bought goes to fun humanitarian projects in Colombia. You can thus buy some gorgeous gifts and help heal the world at the same time. Double win. Available from ‘59’, Hverfisgata 59. 700- 3.000 ISK


To satisfy the domestic goddess in your life, and on a budget too, take a look at Tiger’s range of rather cute and quirky household items. They actually made me want to cook and clean just so I’d have a chance to use them. Check out their trés chic rubber gloves, uber-cute heart shaped egg pan, and multicoloured utensils. Available from Tiger, Laugavegur 13. 800- 1.500 ISK


Shopping for designer perfumes in Iceland can leave a serious hole in your pocket. However if you don’t want to pay up to 15.000ISK for leading brands but still want something special, then check out Andrea Maack’s beautiful range at Spark Design Space. The scents are based on translations of the artist’s original drawings into scents by French perfumers APF. There are three perfumes in the range, SMART, CRAFT and SHARP. Take it from us, they are truly out of this world. Spark Design Space, Klapparstígur 33. 9.800 ISK

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