From Iceland — A Quiet Statement Against Mass-Production

A Quiet Statement Against Mass-Production

Published August 17, 2010

A Quiet Statement Against Mass-Production

“Whenever I get hold of a piece of fabric it calls for a certain volume,” explains Jet Korine, proprietor of a new fashion store by the same name, nestled up on Skólavörðustígur. “Therefore, I don’t want to torture the original character of its shape.”
The moment you step into the store it’s evident that you’re looking at the work of someone who’s dedicated to the recycling of raw, natural materials. The walls are brown and bare and the clothes are hung on rusty metal poles, held by heavy chains dangling from the ceiling.
Her method is simple: the organic fabric, the base of the garment, is treated through natural processes. Dyed with a range of natural pigments such as flowers, volcanic ash, mud or trees, every item displayed in the shop is unique from the other, apart from their signature earthy tone.
The designer’s workshop is situated in the heart of the store, where you can witness the painstakingly slow and careful process of assembling each item whilst you do your shopping. “People have an attachment with these garments, especially because they can see where they come from. When you purchase cheap clothes you barely put any thought into how or where they were made. They are easily discarded and forgotten.”
The shop has been experiencing a massive boom in sales, particularly since the success of last winter’s coat collection ‘Life Coat’ which, as implied by the name, were carefully handcrafted to last a lifetime. “We’re overwhelmed with having to keep up with the constant demand, so the shop is almost always empty!”
“We’re going through a growing global awareness right now,” Jet tells us, “and having worked in the fashion industry, I realised I did not want to support the never-ending need for consumer waste. I want to be able to sleep at night knowing that what I’m pushing forward is worthwhile.”

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