From Iceland — What’s The Best Thing About Reykjavík In One Or Two Sentences?

What’s The Best Thing About Reykjavík In One Or Two Sentences?

Published July 22, 2014

What’s The Best Thing About Reykjavík In One Or Two Sentences?
Rebecca Scott Lord Gabríel Benjamin
Photo by
Natsha Nandabhiwat


Alda Sigmundsdóttir
Author and blogger
The first thing I think of is Grótta with the lighthouse, in Seltjarnarnes, near the golf course. It’s a really nice place to go for a walk, and just y’know, hang out and bicycle and to be outdoors. AND there is a little hot tub that’s carved into a rock. It’s just before you get to the lighthouse nature reserve. It’s behind the place where they store fish.


Arnljótur Sigurðsson
The first thing that comes to mind is the beautiful mountain range that encircles the whole of Reykjavík. It is simply astonishing on a good day. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that people decided to move here, that is before all the ugly houses came here. Second, it’s how small the city is, but that’s also a flaw. You’re very quick to get from place to place, but in the process you get tired of being in one place for too long.


Dagur B. Eggertsson
The weather, obviously.


Elín Eyþórsdóttir
Singer in Sísý Ey, Elín Ey
Perhaps the clouds. They are my favourite thing about Reykjavík. Swimming. Gay rights. Many rights others don’t have.


Hilmar Magnússon
Head of Samtökin 79, Iceland’s Queer Association
The harbour area. It has this fascinating mixture of culture and the industry. Most of what’s happening in Reykjavík, in terms of development, is happening in the harbour area. It’s close to downtown, but it’s rough. It’s peaceful, but rough.


Högni Egilsson
Musician (GusGus, Hjaltalín, among others)
I can’t answer that question in one or two sentences.


Jón Pétur Þorsteinsson
Guy walking down Laugavegur
Life standards are pretty good.


Saga Garðarsdóttir
What’s best in Reykjavík? Squid at Reykjavík Marina, going to Þríhnjúkagígur crater and swimming in the Vesturbær swimming pool. Kaffi Haiti is also best, as is sushi at Sakebarinn, and then going to church on Sundays, and having wild sex everywhere!

Snorri Helgason

Snorri Helgason
The people—it’s unbelievable how many good people there are in Reykjavík. All of the smartest and brightest people I know live in Reykjavík, and they are just one phone call away from coming over and helping me with whatever I’m working on.

Steinunn Eva Óladóttir
Bartender at Lebowski Bar
I think everyone’s very friendly.

Unnsteinn Manúel Stefánsson
Singer of Retro Stefson
The best thing we have in Reykjavík is our swimming pools. In Portugal, where I was born, the whole town would meet up and unwind at the pub after work, and that’s where you’d hear what’s up, but in Iceland, only young people go out straight after work. If you want to catch up with people, you do it in the hot tubs at the swimming pools. That’s where everyone hangs out. It’s a sort of social centre.


Vilborg Davíðsdóttir
The downtown streets are the best things about Reykjavík. Laugavegur, Skólavörðustígur and Lækjargata are constantly buzzing with activity, and it’s always great hearing all the different voices and languages spoken by the people exploring the city. Even though I was raised in the Westfjords, I can’t imagine living outside of 101 Reykjavík where you are a stone’s throw away from so many great cafés and restaurants.

Þorbjörg Helga Þorgilsdóttir

Þorbjörg Þorgilsdóttir
I’m very interested in the developing area in Grandi, with new places like the Coocoo’s Nest, Valdís and Hús Fiðrildana (an antique shop). I like to spend time there, and would spend more of it if we’d ever get a proper summer…

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