From Iceland — 66 Degrees of Sound: Artist Spotlight — Xiupill

66 Degrees of Sound: Artist Spotlight — Xiupill

Published May 14, 2024

66 Degrees of Sound: Artist Spotlight — Xiupill
Rex Beckett
Photo by
Curro Rodriguez/Provided by artist

As we sprint through the end of our transition to biweekly summer issues, we kick off another weekly rotation of 66 Degrees of Sound. This week’s Artist Spotlight is with the genre-bending self-described “boy band” Xiupill and it’s an absolute banger!

Two thirds of the band — Juan M. Melero and Jón Múli, missing Oliver Devaney — joined hosts Jóhannes Bjarkason and Rex Beckett in our studio at GV HQ to talk about their sophomore album MYTHOLOGY (released on March 28), as well as touring, pop essentialism, and the importance of caffeine in production.

With members hailing from Iceland, Spain and the US, the three-piece create a blend of production, performance and artistry that looks firmly to the future of music production while embracing diverse elements of the past. We’ve had our eyes and ears on them for a while, including having them on our Off-Waves showcase last November during Iceland Airwaves 2023, and we’re super stoked to finally have them on the show.

The 66 Degrees of Sound podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Hit follow and join us every week for our Tuesday Artist Spotlight, Thursday Hot Happenings, and our Saturday Morning Mix!

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