From Iceland — Publisher’s Address

Publisher’s Address

Publisher’s Address

Published September 16, 2009

It is a pleasure to look back as we celebrate this milestone in our publication’s short history. One hundred issues of the Reykjavík Grapevine behind us – the 101st out on the streets and in your hands, dear reader. By your holding this copy, at least one of our major goals is already accomplished, doubly so if you are a tourist or a new Icelander.

Us at the Grapevine can look back upon some great times we’ve had making these 100 issues, times that were spawned with a simple idea seven years ago and were first made corporeal when Grapevine no. 1 hit the streets in 2003. Taking a simple idea and realizing it, nurturing it and helping it grow so it may reach its potential – it is an indescribable process, and a vastly rewarding one.

We have in our every one of our 101 issues strived to create a publication that reflects and sheds some light on our society and community, and we have strived to retain a certain credibility throughout. It is our belief that maintaining a credible and fiercely independent editorial policy is pivotal in running a magazine like ours – the moment we let in an outside influence on what we write and why, we have failed our duty of ambition of a trustworthy platform for our community and representing it in an unbiased manner.

At this milestone, I would like to especially thank everyone that has worked with us in one way or the other through the years – the number of people who have contributed to the making of our 101 issues thus far reaches the hundreds, if not thousands. There is some immensely unselfish work behind every issue single issue we have released, many people have given up a lot of their sleep and sanity to ensure we meet deadline and come out with the finest possible product at each time.

There are also hundreds of businesses out there, in Reykjavík and Iceland, that have believed in our purpose, our MO and the need for having a strong media outlet that focuses on serving tourists and new Icelanders. It is because of their advertising that we have been able to keep the Grapevine going for all these years, their faith in the magazine – and, often, their patience for our independent editorial policies and reviews.

The Reykjavík Grape-vine is here to stay. We will do everything in our power to ensure readers and advertisers a good publication, one that participates in its society and, perhaps, affects it in a positive way.

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