From Iceland — Editorial: A Thank You Letter

Editorial: A Thank You Letter

Editorial: A Thank You Letter

Valur Grettisson
Words by
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Published December 2, 2022

This is perhaps an odd editorial. Writers like to write about themselves, but journalists hate it. I’ll admit, I’m a fusion of both.

I’m leaving as the editor-in-chief of the Reykjavík Grapevine, as is news editor Andie Sophia Fontaine. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands. With new people come new and fresh ideas. 

What stands out in my heart as I pen this final editorial is the fantastic people I have met over the last five years through this magazine. I am genuinely impressed by the vast talent there is to be found in Iceland, and I’m saddened that so few of them get an opportunity to display their talents simply because of linguistic barriers. They have helped us to keep this magazine relevant and at the same time a smart and enjoyable read. This doesn’t come effortlessly, it’s actually hard work and takes serious commitment. Although, they do make it look easy, don’t they?

I also have to say that it’s flat-out incredible how lively cultural life in Iceland is. I am pretty confident that there are few nations of just 360.000 people that offer such a variety of culture and events. The Icelandic cultural scene seems to completely ignore its own size. Icelandic culture behaves like we are a nation of two million, not a tiny island in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean. 

The Reykjavík Grapevine will be 20 years old next year. Imagine that. It’s finally old enough to drink, according to Icelandic laws. It’s time to go to university and become seriously good at something. I’m proud of my time being the editor-in-chief in the magazine’s teen years—it was definitely wild, creative and playful.

I have never worked at a magazine or a newspaper that had such a strong impact on people, and I have worked in media for almost two decades. And that means that we were doing something right. Our YouTube channel has been an adventure in itself, and I have to say that I was very sad to say goodbye to all these people around the world, who Art Bicnick, Pollý and I managed to touch through our travels.

I’m not one to dwell on the past. I’m heading on to a new journey, grateful for the time I had with The Reykjavík Grapevine. The only thing that’s left is to say a big thank you to all the readers, the contributors and the staff of the magazine. This has been a ride.

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