From Iceland — Don't Ask Nanna: About The Heatwave

Don’t Ask Nanna: About The Heatwave

Published July 28, 2017

Don’t Ask Nanna: About The Heatwave
Nanna Árnadóttir
Photo by

Hey Nanna,

I planned a holiday in ICEland to get AWAY from hot weather and now I’ve read there’s going to be a heatwave this week! What gives?

Florida Man

Hey Florida Man,

Climate Change is what fucking gives. If you don’t like it and you haven’t already, consider writing your congressman or senator about how your government’s attitude to the environment and the planet in general is ruining your fun Nordic vacation.

God forbid it disturb your holiday, the planet’s only FUCKING FALLING APART and the great orange cheese fish running your country is busy wiping his ass with the Paris Accord.



Hey Nanna,

Which of central Reykjavík’s many famous cats should I look out for during my city break next month?


Hey Catspotter,

All of Reykjavík’s cat floofs are precious angels and should any at all consent to pats or scratches you are to be grateful and kind. Obvi.

If I had to choose a few special cat friends, I’d say maybe the notorious Fish Thief – name unknown.

A major floof beige with a brown face and a white spot on her nose. She’s been caught stealing fish from supermarkets on a number of occasions. Photo taken by Ben Van Domelen.

Then there’s Baktus of course, who has his own Instagram account – where the above photo was sourced. He’s something of a celebrity. Kind of a big deal.

Last but not least there’s Stalin, a black and white tyrant. Approach with the respect you might give to a former dictator. No photo for Stalin because with a single look into the lens of a camera Stalin can melt your brain and steal your soul.

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