From Iceland — Cheap Reykjavik

Cheap Reykjavik

Published September 12, 2008

Cheap Reykjavik

Everyone knows Reykjavík isn’t a cheap city. There are however plenty of ways to shave some Krónur off your monthly purchases, and “Cheap Reykjavík” is where Grapevine attempts to pass some of them on to you, loyal reader. Please send your saving tips to

Cheap Lunch
As much as we hate admitting it, the good people of Subway often make a pretty mean sandwich – and they sometimes sell ‘em for cheap, too. Should you find yourself penniless and hungry nearby a Subway franchise, it is therefore always a good idea to check if their “Sub of the month” deal is any good (even if the bastards usually only grant their least appealing subs for the deal).
    It’s still pretty sweet to get a six-inch sub of the month for only 329 ISK; in fact it’s probably the cheapest choice of lunch available. Surely it will fill you up OK if you remember to instruct your sandwich technician to load on vegetables and condiments well past the point of reason.

Cheap Stuff
As anyone will tell you, no weekend visit to 101 Reykjavík is complete without a sojourn to Kolaportið. Basically an indoor flea market, Kolaportið gathers bargain-hunters, penny pinchers and garage entrepreneurs in a decadent orgy of old vinyl LPs, second-hand clothes and furniture and pretty much anything else you can think of. Whether you need a tent, a bootleg Slayer T-shirt or a collection of random chotskies, you can be sure to find it at a reduced rate in Kolaportið.
    Kolaportið furthermore features a plethora of food stands, and is a great place to purchase frozen or dried fish, foal meat and fresh potatoes. Their selection of local sweets is also impressive. Finally, it is good to keep in mind that Kolaportið is one of the only establishments in Reykjavík where incessant haggling is accepted.

Free Wine, Beer and Hors D’oeuvres

Long-time Grapevine fan Mikkel sent the following tip on how he scores drinks in Reykjavík:
    “One of the reasons why I like the Grapevine is its excellent listings section. It does a fine job of keeping me informed of the city’s music and cultural life, but more importantly lets me know where and when I can expect to score free drinks and snacks. Every weekend, you can find some sort of opening in one of 101’s many galleries and showrooms, and they often offer up impressive amounts of alcohol and other treats to lure in the public. In the past month alone, I’ve kept down my drinking tab and feasted on some of the finest wines, crackers, beers, cheeses and vodka available. The art is often amusing, too.” 

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