From Iceland — Reykjavík of Yore: Ingólfstorg

Reykjavík of Yore: Ingólfstorg

Published May 4, 2017

Reykjavík of Yore: Ingólfstorg
Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Art Bicnick/Ljósmyndasafn Reykjavíkur

Reykjavík is very much a car city and, when you look at old photographs of Iceland’s capital, you can see that it pretty much as has been for as long as there have been cars in Iceland. Here, we see what Ingólfstorg used to look like back in the day (“the day” in this case being 1977).

There was a cab stand there, and cabs still do line up on Aðalstræti, commemorating its memory. Later, this square came to be affectionately known as “Hallærisplanið,” or “the lot of ridiculousness,” as it was a popular spot for young people to hang out and socialise.

Today, Ingólfstorg is pretty much the domain of skaters, bikers, a Christmas village, and the occasional major sports event broadcast from a giant screen. As such, it still retains its power as a social hub of sorts, albeit without the preponderance of cars.

See the difference in these two photos, from then and now.

Read more Reykjavík of Yore articles here.

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