From Iceland — And Magma Responds to Björk

And Magma Responds to Björk

Published August 10, 2010

Magma Energy has once again responded to Björk Guðmundsdóttir, this time saying that they are not, in fact, looking at five other locations in Iceland for geothermal exploration but rather two others.
As reported, Björk told Morgunblaðið in a recent interview that Magma has shown an interest in Hrunamannaafrétt, Öræfi, Reykjahlíð, Vogur, Bjarnarflagsvirkjun, Kerlingarfjöll and Krísuvík, all places of geothermal activity. “People who didn’t want their names to come forward because they were afraid of losing their jobs brought this information to me,” she says in part. “You might have noticed that Magma hasn’t denied this. Journalists should maybe ask them if they’ve been trying to work out a deal for these places.”
Ásgeir Margeirsson, the chairman of Magma Iceland, says that this is false.
“She counts off some places that we’ve never been near,” Ásgeir told Morgunblaðið. “We have of course been looking at Hrunamannaafrétt, which came out in the media. Kerlingarfjöll is in Hrunamannaafrétt, so it’s the same place, but she counts it as two. There’s no basis for Öræfi, which we’ve never been near. We have talked to the farmers at Reykjahlíð and Vogur, but we’ve never been near Bjarnarflagsvirkjun.”
Keep in mind, though, that this is the same company that lied to the Grapevine on two separate occasions on what their business intentions in Iceland were.

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