From Iceland — What If The Kids Were In Charge? Introducing the key planks of Kidarchy’s platform

What If The Kids Were In Charge? Introducing the key planks of Kidarchy’s platform

Published April 21, 2023

What If The Kids Were In Charge? Introducing the key planks of Kidarchy’s platform
Photo by
Art Bicnick & Krakkaveldi

Would you give Kidarchy your vote? Kidarchy‘s manifesto consists of its members’ uncensored opinions. You might not agree with our ideas, but we also don‘t always agree with each other, either. That‘s okay. What we do all agree on is wanting to make the world a better place for all. All kids are allowed to join Kidarchy and make their voices heard!

Immigration: We would stop the immigration bill that was just passed in the Icelandic Parliament. 

Public office: There would be no more professional politicians. People shouldn‘t just be politicians to have a job, but because they want to make the world better.

Taxation: We would tax the rich. We would ban billionaires, because the only way to become a billionaire is by mistreating workers. We would change things so people wouldn‘t need money anymore – so no one would be poor.

Photo by Art Bicnick

Social services: Krakkaveldi‘s Iceland would focus on giving everyone more education and more therapy – for free, of course! 

Housing: We would stop homelessness. We would employ all homeless people that want to have a job. We would make the homeless shelters bigger, and have them be open 24 hours a day, so they don‘t have to be out in the cold and snow during the day, like they do now. 

Cost of living: We would lower food prices, everything is becoming so expensive! We would stop stores from selling water. Water should always be free.

Kids are thinking the most about the environment, while adults are ruining the planet! We‘re trying to make our futures bright, but the adults are ruining it!

Environmental policy: We would stop the extraction of oil in Alaska under the Willow project immediately. We heard about it on TikTok, and then started Googling it and looking for information. Joe Biden‘s administration just approved the project, which is disappointing because he used to say he cared about the environment. Now he‘s accepting one of the most dangerous projects for the environment — and for the world!

Climate change won‘t be fixed if the project continues, the human population will be extinct in a few years. It will ruin the world; we won‘t be able to save it. It‘s extremely serious!

The thing is, politicians just want money. If I was president of the United States I would never have accepted the Willow project.  If I was Prime Minister of Iceland, I‘d use my power as Iceland‘s head of state to speak with Joe Biden and ask him to fight against the Willow project.

Kids are thinking the most about the environment, while adults are ruining the planet! We‘re trying to make our futures bright, but the adults are ruining it!

We would take away all the plastic from the ocean –  right now! And we would stop plastic production – with the exception of plastic straws and plastic spoons, because the paper ones really suck. But you would have to recycle that plastic. With the used plastic straws and spoons, we would make a car that runs on plastic!

If Krakkaveldi ruled everything, we would redesign the cities so they wouldn‘t be so car-reliant. Our cities would have more green spaces, which would create more joy for everyone! Then we would ban private cars, cause everyone could just use the bus.

Artificial intelligence: We would ban AI art! It‘s ruining the value of art. If you look at AI art then you can see that they are stealing from real artists! Art has less worth if you can just push a button and make it. There are people that spend hours working on their art and practicing their technique. AI art is less valuable than all that work.

Krakkaveldi‘s Iceland would focus on giving everyone more education and more therapy – for free, of course!

Conflict resolution: We would instill the Solution Circle in every kindergarten and elementary school. The Solution Circle is like a system to help kids figure out what to do when they have conflict with each other. For example, if kids are making fun of someone, you find solutions in the circle, like saying sorry, asking for a hug, talking about it or so on.  

It really works for children, and even for teenagers. We think it might even work for adults.

Mental health: We would do something about kids‘ mental health issues. For example, we would have a day once in a while in school where you can do whatever you want. If you‘re tired you could go to sleep, or if you wanted to be on your iPad watching YouTube, you could.

Misc.: We would ban selling pizza with pineapple on it — or wait, we actually don‘t all agree with that!A disclaimer from Maggi, 14: I actually shouldn‘t be a member of parliament, because I don‘t think I know enough about the issues. So I actually don‘t think I know any better than Icelandic politicians — but at least I can admit it.

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