From Iceland — Misþyrming Returns With Blunt Force — A Q&A with black metal royalty

Misþyrming Returns With Blunt Force — A Q&A with black metal royalty

Published March 27, 2023

Misþyrming Returns With Blunt Force — A Q&A with black metal royalty
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In December 2022, the Reykjavík-based black metal band Misþyrming released their new album Með Hamri. The title translates literally to “With Hammer” and, just like a hammer, it hits. Violently. In this first edition of the Grapevine’s Filthy Interview series, Misþyrming guitarist, vocalist and producer D.G. explains what the new album represents as the band marks a decade of darkness. 

Með Hamri came out three years after your previous release Algleymi. What is the concept of the new album?

D.G. It is a very aggressive and bitter manifesto. I am not going into the meaning of the lyrics because it would be like explaining a joke, everyone can give their interpretation. It’s hateful, like black metal should be. Extreme music needs to be extreme and that was the goal of this album. Our last album Algleymi, released in 2019, was more emotional. This one is just furious, with dark soundscapes across music and lyrics. It is definitely our darkest album yet.

In Algleymi we wanted to make a cleaner sound. With Með Hamri, we decided to go back to where we were at the end of the first album, Söngvar Elds Og Óreiðu. It was so powerful that we could barely control it, maybe also because we were less experienced. Through the new album, we had to make a statement. A tribute to our darkest roots.

What was the process involved in the making of the album?

D.G. I finished writing Algleymi at the end of 2016 and I couldn’t write anything for three years after that. You can’t really put your head into the next project until everything related to the release is finished. I am talking about shows, tours, promotional stuff and such. I have a chaotic mind, but I managed to slowly get the writing process into my routine. After two years, I managed to write a bunch of songs and eight ended up on Með Hamri. Then, we started recording it a year ago.

We changed drummers because our former drummer was living abroad, and the long-distance relationship unfortunately didn’t work. It was a drama-free decision, and we hired Magnus from Svartidauði. We recorded the drums in Stúdio Sýrland in one day. The rest of the album was recorded at the black metal headquarters, somewhere in the suburbs of Reykjavík.

We had deadlines for Með Hamri because the vinyl production got altered during Covid. We worked on it non-stop between March and July 2022. The vocals were the last thing we recorded and I was also in charge of mixing through this last stage. We used extremely loud amps and the pace of the music was very fast. When we nailed something we would blast it, then just sit and listen.

Can you tell us anything about the album cover for Með Hamri? What’s it about?

D.G. The main point of this fenced temple is to be majestic and at the same time unwelcoming. We wanted to create an atmosphere of fear and respect around our art. We don’t want to sound pretentious, so it’s important that we differentiate between Misþyrming and the egos of band members as individuals.

What’s next for the band? 

D.G. The release show is happening March 31 at Iðno. Other than that, we are going to play in many festivals this year before embarking on another tour in Europe by the end of the year. Then, of course, we are always working on new stuff. 

Get your tickets to the Með Hamri release concert on, buy the album at and stream it — loudly — on the platform of your choice.

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