Got a burning question that needs answering? We give absolutely terrible advice, but since you keep asking, we’ll keep answering.
I’m going home for Thanksgiving and am dreading having to spend a four-day weekend with my anti-vax, QAnon supporting uncle. What should I do?
We often say in the queer community that the best, closest family you can have is the one you choose for yourself. I feel this applies to everyone—no one is obliged to hang out with relatives that they can’t stand. However, if you must spend four days with this guy, the best strategy is to pick arguments with him. Get loud. Hurt feelings. Absolutely ruin Thanksgiving. It’s a bullshit holiday anyway, and you can guarantee that no one will invite you back ever again.
Are the hot dogs at Bæjarins Bestu really worth waiting in line for an hour?
As this hot dog stand is literally right next to our offices, I feel obliged to say yes, they are. But did you know you can have that same BB goodness at home? Just buy a pack of Sláturfélag Suðurlands hot dogs and simmer them in a mixture of water, beer and beef bouillon for like an hour. You can even buy all the same condiments in the grocery store. DIY baybee!
“Trapped” gives me the impression that Iceland is a very dangerous place. Is this true?
No country is completely safe of course, but Iceland is a lot safer than most. That’s why we keep writing crime novels and making crime TV series—we want this material to give us an air of danger and intrigue, like some mysterious bad boy you went to high school with who never actually committed any crimes, but still maintained that menacing front.
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