From Iceland — Design March 2016: Friday's Must-See Events

Design March 2016: Friday’s Must-See Events

Published March 11, 2016

Design March 2016: Friday’s Must-See Events

Yesterday’s opening at Hafnarhús was amazing. So many interesting jewellery and furniture designs were exhibited, by both foreign and Icelandic designers. Art-lovers sipped on white wine and Bríó while drooling over the couch of their dreams, or that perfect lamp.

Today is even more crammed with interesting art and design events. Therefore we recommend leaving work early, changing into better shoes—by better I don’t mean more comfortable—and running off to attend these five must see events. GO!

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Innri garður
Safnahúsið, Hverfisgata 15

This exhibition sounds extremely interesting—woven and knitted artworks by Signe Emdal, exhibited in one of Reykjavík’s most beautiful building. The pieces are contemporary representations of the classic tapestries that were popular in Europe in the 14th, 15th & 16th centuries. The exhibition is open from 10:00 – 17:00 so we recommend starting your night there.


Geysir, Skólavörðustígur 16

This collaboration between fashion designer Elísabet Karlsdóttir and product designer Ágústa Sveinsdóttir has led to the start of a new design studio, ALVARA. ALVARA’s first line of jewellery is showing at Geysir until 19:00 today. Elísabet Karlsdótir won the “Looking forward to see more” category at the 2016 Grapevine Design Awards, so we can’t wait to see what she’s created with Ágústa.


Spark Design Space, Klapparstígur 33, 101 Reykjavík

1+1+1 were also awarded in the 2016 Grapevine Design Awards. It’s an international collaboration of Hugdetta (Róshildur Jónsdóttir and Snæbjörn Þór Stefánsson), Finland’s Aalto+Aalto, and Petra Lilja from Sweden, who each design a segment of a modular construction, with unpredictable resaults. The exhibition is open until 20:00 today.

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The Role of the Whole?
Grýtan, Keilugrandi 1

If textile design suits you better, we recommend going to the opening of ‘The Role Of The Whole?’ today between 17:00 and 20:00. Halla Hákonardóttir exhibits her line Halla – Zero, where she uses the “Zero waste method,” which means the clothes are created without any material going to waste.

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Geislar – Ode to Light
Geislar hönnunarhús, Bolholt 4

The perfect way to end your DesignMarch evening is to attend the opening party of Geislar hönnunarhús tonight from 18:00-22:00. Gift merchandise, plywood and leather handbags and toys will be exhibited at the opening as well as candlesticks at the exhibition ‘Ode to Light’, which will be in another space at the venue. Come listen to jazz, enjoy light refreshments and celebrate creativity!

See more of our DesignMarch coverage here.

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