From Iceland — Grapevine Events: Reykjavík Jazz Festival, Vinyl Record Market, Smengi, and The Women Who Rode Away

Grapevine Events: Reykjavík Jazz Festival, Vinyl Record Market, Smengi, and The Women Who Rode Away

Published August 11, 2022

Grapevine Events: Reykjavík Jazz Festival, Vinyl Record Market, Smengi, and The Women Who Rode Away
Photo by
Steinn Þorkelsson

Reykjavík Jazz Festival
August 13 to 19 – Harpa – 7.990 to 24.900 kr.

Just as we’re trying to get out of our post-festival slump, another amazing one pops up! Reykjavík’s annual Jazz Festival is the second longest-running festival in Iceland, celebrating its 22nd birthday this year, and has built up quite the reputation. Together with Iceland’s leading jazz musicians, acclaimed international jazz players will be treating us to a week of pure joy (if you’re into jazz, that is). This seven-day-long festival hosts a variety of styles, ranging from big band to gospel, from contemporary to Latin jazz. You name it! KW

Vinyl Record Market
August 13 at 13:00 – Bruggstofan

Vinyl Record Market at Bruggstofan is looking for vendors and anyone who wants to buy, exchange, listen or clean records. Even if you don’t have a record player (yet), investing in records is never a bad idea. Good music, cold beer and interesting people—that’s a Saturday well spent, in our opinion! Participation is free, but vendors need to book a table in advance. IZ

August 11 at 17:00 – Smekkleysa & Mengi

SMENGI is the beautiful coming together of two of our fav venues/record labels: MENGI and Smekkleysa. The evening will begin at Smekkleysa with DJ sets from We are not romantic and Glupsk before heading to MENGI for a concert featuring Ólöf Arnalds and Bjarni Daníel. What a beautiful way to spend a Thursday night, don’t you think? We do anyway, and we’re a newspaper so our opinion matters more. Sorry not sorry. JG

The Women Who Rode Away
August 12 & 13 – 20:00 – 3,900 kr.

American artist Natalia Zukerman blends her work with songwriting and visual arts in this special performance at Tjarnarbíó, showcasing her experience finding her voice through song and highlighting the women who inspired her. Without a doubt, this show is sure to be an intimate glimpse into the artist’s life and world—a true treat for the creative among us. EL

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