From Iceland — The Grapevine’s New Music Picks: Axel Flóvent, Lord Pusswhip and Daughters Of Reykjavík

The Grapevine’s New Music Picks: Axel Flóvent, Lord Pusswhip and Daughters Of Reykjavík

Published February 11, 2022

The Grapevine’s New Music Picks: Axel Flóvent, Lord Pusswhip and Daughters Of Reykjavík

After a hard debate and an unexpected knife fight between the writers at the office, we came to the conclusion that these three songs are exactly what the world needs right now. Axel Flóvent gives you the soundscape of beauty while Lord Pusswhip and Yves Thomas, mess with your mind with their throwback to the Detroit Techno scene and The Daughters of Reykjavík gives you all the swag that you need this year. Turn the volume up to 11. Because you know you deserve it.

Axel Flóvent, Tusks – You 

Don’t have plans for Valentine’s Day this year? My suggestion would be to take a long drive around the Icelandic countryside listening to a grim song about someone you are falling out of love with. What am I talking about? Iceland’s ‘indie-folk prodigy’ Axel Flóvent and his new single “You” released in collaboration with a London-based electronic music artist Tusks. “You” is a deep ode to lost love, whether or not it was mutual. Similar to Flóvent’s previous works, it’s an honest and profoundly personal song. IZ

Lord Pusswhip, Yves Thomas remix – Dansidans 

We’ve said it before: how it is that Lord Pusswhip isn’t world famous by now is one of life’s greatest mysteries. He remains one of the more innovative electronic artists in Iceland, creating soundscapes that turn the mind inside out and get you on the floor in equal measure. This remix from Yves Thomas marks a departure from his usual sound, evoking more the sound of early techno, with hints of nascent industrial music. Throw this track on to be magically whisked away to Detroit in the early 90s.  ASF

Daughters Of Reykjavík – Tökum af stað

Now, if there is any band that can bring some real attitude and fun into Eurovision (except Hatari perhaps), it’s definitely gonna be the amazing Daughters of Reykjavík. They surprised everyone by submitting their song, Tökum af stað (Turn This Around) into the Eurovision preliminary at RÚV. An unusual move, but definitely within margin when it comes to the fearless band that gives you the finger and tongue kisses you the next moment. The song is highly charged hip-hop with a solid 4×4 beat under and a whole lot of swag swarming around. If this song doesn’t win the competition in Iceland, we’re out! And we are serious this time! VG  

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