From Iceland — Fancies: Agnes Björt Andradóttir

Fancies: Agnes Björt Andradóttir

Published June 12, 2019

Fancies: Agnes Björt Andradóttir

Fancies is a Grapevine series where we highlight an individual with supreme style. Our latest subject is Agnes Björt Andradóttir (27), who is the singer of electro-pop act SYKUR

today’s look

Agnes Björt Andradóttir

Agnes Björt Andradóttir is wearing:

  • Leggings & plastic pants bought online.
  • Shirt is from my brother’s brand, Child Merchandise. It’s the most expensive piece of clothing I own.
  • Thrifted under-shirt.
  • I got these shoes from my friend. She thought she’d be too tall in them, but I thought the taller the better.
  • Bag from Húrra Reykjavík.

style q&a

Describe your style in 5 words: Here’s six: Anime. Bold. Big Prints. Sharp. Futuristic. Right now I’m really inspired by Anime sci-fi cities. If I would be walking the streets of those kind of cities, I’d be wearing this outfit.

Favourite stores in Reykjavík: I thrift a lot, so Rauði Krossinn.

Favourite piece: My favourite piece is actually a dress that I am currently sewing. I have been putting a lot of love into it and I am really excited to find the right opportunity to wear it. It’s made of neon tulle and really poofy. Simple but crazy. I’ll have to make the perfect outfit to go with it. It’s to be continued, but you can go to my instagram @agnesbjort for updates.

Agnes Björt Andradóttir

Something I would never wear: There isn’t. It all depends on what mood you’re in. Ugly is not always ugly. Beautiful is not always beautiful. Everything can look cool.

Lusting after: There is a brand called ASAI. I saw that Nana from Of Monsters And Men was wearing it for a new shoot and I was like oh my god, I thought I was the only one who knew this brand! They are not that big, but it is super cool. I want an outfit from them. I’m really into bold forms, big prints, crazy colours.

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