From Iceland — DesignMarch Day #2: The Ultimate Roundup

DesignMarch Day #2: The Ultimate Roundup

Published March 29, 2019

DesignMarch Day #2: The Ultimate Roundup

DesignMarch Day 1 was amazing, but now you’ve got a whole new day ahead of you. To help you out, here is the programme for today along with some information about events/exhibitions the Grapevine is particularly excited about. For more, check out our Happening website, which serves up a complete rundown of what’s going on in Reykjavík today, or download our Appening app from Android or iPhone app stores.

March 29th

10:00 I Event
Life on Mars: Designing a New World for Earthlings
Reykjavík University, Menntavegur 1
Architect Michael Morris, the co-founder of Space Exploration Architecture (SEArch+), designer and anthropologist Karl Aspelund, and former NASA-employee Ari Kristinn Jónsson, who took part in the Mars Exploration Rover mission, dive deep into our future on Mars. Is our destiny on the red planet merely a pipe dream, or the inevitable future of our species? What would the mechanics of that world be?

11:30 – 13:00 I Event
CounterPoint – Workshop with Thomas Pausz & Marlene Huissoud
Sólvallagata 79

12:00 – 13:30 I Design Diplomacy
Design Diplomacy x Finland
Finnish Ambassador’s Residence, Hagamelur 4
In the Design Diplomacy series, explore diplomats’ residences for a series of design-centred talks. The concept is simple: A local Icelandic designer sits down with an international designer in their respective host countries ambassador’s residence for an informal discussion. The conversation is guided by question cards, which are chosen at random. Sounds weird, but we’re intruiged. Here, the Ambassador of Finland Ann-Sofie Stude has invited two young fashion designers–Maria Korkeila (FI) and Arnar Már Jónsson (IS)—to chat about clothes. Maria Korkeila used to work for Rick Owens and Saint Laurent. Wow. Tickets are free but registration is required.

11:00 – 14:00 I Workshop
Risoprent workshop
Hafnarhús – Reykjavík Art Museum, Tryggvagata 17

13:30 I Lecture
CounterPoint – discussion with Michael Morris and Karl Aspelund
Sólvallagata 79

15:00 I Lecture
Smart Textiles – from idea to sustainable impact
Nordic House, Sæmundargata 11

16:00 I Opening
Voðaverk – Matters and Strata
House of Vigdís, Brynjólfsgata 1

16:00 – 17:30 I Design Diplomacy
Design Diplomacy x Denmark
Danish Ambassador’s Residence, Hverfisgata 29
In the Design Diplomacy series, explore diplomats’ residences for a series of design-centred talks. The concept is simple: A local Icelandic designer sits down with an international designer in their respective host countries ambassador’s residence for an informal discussion. The conversation is guided by question cards, which are chosen at random. Sounds weird, but we’re intrigued. Here, Danish industrial designer Kasper Salto and architect Thomas Sigsgaard speak with Ragna Sara Jónsdóttir, founder of FÓLK brand. Tickets are free but registration is required.

16:00 – 18:00 I Show
Dance Atelier, Hjarðarhagi 47

16:00 – 18:00 I Opening
Formex Nova – Nordic Design Award
Nordic House, Sæmundargata 11

16:00 – 18:00 I Opening
Layers of fibre experimental material design
Nordic House, Sæmundargata 11

16:00 – 18:00 I Opening
Nectar & Ambrosia
Nordic House, Sæmundargata 11
Though the title might reference ‘Jane Eyre’, this exhibit is fully inspired by Japanese zen gardens. Made by USEE Studios—the duo of Halla Hákonardóttir and Helga Björg Kjerúlf—it’s composed of clothing, flowers and other objects designed to help you slow your mind and body down into a primitive state of meditation. Intricate, delicate and conciliating, florals and pastels take centre stage. Along with USEE Studios’ display, experimental artist Thomas Pausz will premiere ‘Non Flowers for a Hoverfly’, an installation inspired by the world of bees. How does this Queen-led species experience the world?

16:00 – 18:00 I Opening
Sustainable Chairs
Nordic House, Sæmundargata 11
Last autumn, The Nordic Council of Minister’s launched a competition for the best sustainable chairs in Scandinavia. The winners of this chair-fest will now be presented here. If you like to sit down and also like to save the planet, don’t miss it. Free admission!

17:00 I Opening
Sometimes Studio
Tryggvagata 27

17:00 I Opening
The New School + HAF FRONT
HAF Store, Geirsgata 7

17:00 I Opening,
Soft shapes / Sharp edges
Aurum, Bankastræti 4

17:00 I Event
Katharine Hamnett X Stefánsbúð/p3
Stefánsbúð/P3, Ingólfsstræti 2b

17:00 I Opening
MUN, Barónsstígur 27

17:00 I Opening
Design Munch
MUN, Barónsstígur 27

17:00 – 22:00 I Event
DESIGN BAR x Stories from Landabær – Krot & Krass
Ásmundarsalur, Freyjugata 41

20:00 I Event
Hildur Yeoman – The Wanderer
Hafnarhús- Reykjavík Art Museum, Tryggvagata 17
Having dressed everyone from up and coming artist JFDR to grand dame Björk, Hildur Yeoman is a star of the local fashion scene. Her trademarks are busy prints on fine fabrics, cut into flowing shapes; she also dabbles in extravagant evening wear such as her striking mirror-ball effect gown. Influenced equally by nature and the occult, inside her patterns you’ll find icons and imagery that in endlessly fascinating combinations. Here, you can check out her new collection, “My Witness Is The Empty Sky”, which is inspired by wastelands and black sand beaches. The collection will be available at her boutique, Yeoman, on Skólavörðustígur 22b after the show.

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