From Iceland — Slipknot Is Next: Une Misère's PrikPort Mixes Hardcore And Hip Hop

Slipknot Is Next: Une Misère’s PrikPort Mixes Hardcore And Hip Hop

Published July 26, 2018

Slipknot Is Next: Une Misère’s PrikPort Mixes Hardcore And Hip Hop
Hannah Jane Cohen
Photo by
Art Bicnick

You probably never thought you’d see Une Misère and Joey Christ share the same stage. Well wake up baby, it’s 2018 and anything is possible. So on Saturday, bring the misery with the hardcore boys of Une Misère at PrikPort 2018, a genre-crossing festival extravaganza. On the lineup is Birnir, Joey Christ, xGADDAVÍRx, ALVIA, Dead Herring, and of course, Une Misère. Basically, it’s the best of Icelandic hip hop and Icelandic hardcore in one show.

We sat down with the band to chat about their insanity.

This show has a crazy diverse lineup. How did you guys come up with the idea?

Jón: We thought it would be a great chance to work with various artists and various genres and by that expand our audience. Hip hop kids would listen to hardcore and the hardcore kids would hear some hip hop. It’s a way to stir up the whole experience of going to a concert.

Gunnar: At Aldrei fór ég suður, we did a little jam session with Joey, Birnir, and Auður and I think that kickstarted the idea a little bit. There are a lot of people out there that both listen to hip hop and more heavy stuff so we wanted to bring a little diverse lineup to our show.

Fannar: We’re trying to change the whole idea that specific music should only play with that type of music.

Gunnar: Also Geoffrey from Prikið helped out a lot.

What are your most diverse music loves? 

Jón: I love Elliot Smith and Deathspell Omega. Nick Drake and MGLA. Jón Jónsson and Suffocation.

Gunnar: Fleetwood Mac is my all time favourite band, and lately I’ve been listening to the new Drake album. I give it a 6.5/10. That new album from VEIN is also pretty intense stuff. I’d def recommend it.

Benjamín: Stjórnin is awesome.

Jón: They just released a new song, it’s a certified banger.

Benni: The UNExSiggaxBeinteins collab is in the works.

Gunnar: Also that fairly new GDRN and Flóni song is banging. And of course, BIRGIR HÁKON. Benni and I saw him at Solstice, that man’s def hot.

Steini: I like Alfred Schnittke and Rico Nasty.

Do you find the Reykjavík music scene super segregated by genre? 

Jón: It can be but it is ever changing and becoming more fluid.

Steini: I personally think it is to some degree—hardcore kids playing with hardcore kids, hip hop kids with hip hop kids, etc. This is part of the reason I felt we should do PrikPort, do something like the Family Values Tour where Ice Cube was on the same show as Korn.

Gunnar: A lot of festivals specifically here in Iceland are trying to open things up a bit and I like that. Slayer played at Solstice and GusGus at Eistnaflug, for example.

Will there be any surprises at the show? Are you guys planning on adding some screams to ‘Joey Cypher’? 

Jón: Nothing can be revealed at this time. Super serious.

Gunnar: What Jón said. #nosmiles

What would be your dream Icelandic hip hop track to cover? 

Jón: For me? ‘Sumarsykur’ by Igore. Wait, scratch that. ‘Sprettur’ by Forgotten Lores. Sick track.

Gunnar: I don’t know if ‘Hlið við hlið’ by Friðrik Dór would fall under hip hop but ‘Hlið við hlið’ by Friðrik Dór.

Steinni: ‘Út í geim’ by Birnir.

Benni: ‘Ungir Stákar’ by Flóni (BEATDOWN EDIT).

Real talk. Did any of you go see Guns N’Roses?

Jón: Nope.

Steinni: Nah. I would have gone if it was free.

Benni: Njet. I would have gone if I had a free ticket. I bet the crowd was flooded with dads.

Steinni: The Icelandic promoters should stop dicking around and bring Slipknot here. Put that in.

Jón: YES!

Benni: YES!


Gunnar: I’ll give you this. They died out many centuries ago and SLIPKNOT R00LEZ.

Any last words? 

Jón: It’s central, it’s free, it’s outside. You have no reason whatsoever not to come out.

Gunnar: Go to the slutwalk, chill out for a bit, then come rock out at Prikið.



Info: PrikPort 2018 will be on Saturday, July 28th at 18:00 at Prikið. Free admission!

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