From Iceland — Lights! Camera! Winter!

Lights! Camera! Winter!

Published February 6, 2015

Happening this weekend: February 6-7

Lights! Camera! Winter!
Gabríel Benjamin
Photo by
Marcos Zotes

Happening this weekend: February 6-7

Winter-Lights-Festival-2012-Marcos-Zotes-Rafmognud-Nattura-photo-Ragnar-Th.-Sigurdsson-3Reykjavík’s Winter Lights Festival commenced yesterday. It seems like a fun event, with lots of nice stuff going on. Like tonight’s Museum Night, which involves basically every Reykjavík museum  staying open, for free, until midnight, with special events scattered all over. Tomorrow, there’s the pool night, which similarly sees pools remain open for free until midnight (and Sundhöllin offers an in-pool screening of Psycho. So exciting!

If you don’t have the energy to check out our fancy new listings website for a detailed itinerary of what’s happening, here’s our shortlist for this weekend:


pascal-pinonPascal Pinon
As part of the Museum Night,  indie singer-songwriter twins Pascal Pinon, Ásthildur and Jófríður Ákadóttir, are performing a free show! The two formed the band at age fourteen, have since toured throughout Europe, China and Japan, and have two albums to their name.
-Gljúfrasteinn at 22:00, free admission!

KRAKKKBOT-LIVE-2Krakkkbot Album Release Party
The electro doom artist is celebrating the release of his album, ‘Blak Musk’, in the best possible location: on the balcony overlooking a gloomy sculpture museum! When critiquing one of his songs (an old Track of Issue), we said: “This song fills you with Nietzschean existential dread, focusing you on the task at hand, because after you leave this mortal coil behind there’s probably nothing waiting for you on the other side.” Give it a whirl, that download link is still active.
-The Einar Jónsson Museum at 20:45, free admission!

Oyama-TilburyOyama / Tilbury
Indie shoegazers Oyama (who recently convinced this reporter that they were fantastic live) are staging a show with synthesiser-fuelled folk pop act Tilbury. Expect artsy meanderings, good stage presence, and lots and lots of fun.
-Húrra at 21:00, admission: 1,500 ISK

Mokka-Kaffi-feb‘Poetry In Water’ by Daði Guðbjörnsson
Tonight is the opening day of artist Daði Guðbjörnsson’s new exhibit that features watercolour paintings married with poetry, inspired by Icelandic nature.
-Mokka Kaffi, February 6-March 11, free admission!


all-the-small-things‘All The Small Things’ by Cory Arcangel
Cory’s solo exhibit is a nostalgic multi-media exhibition  that combines digital technologies with art. The show consists of new works by Cory, as well as a selection of seminal early works which he’s re-configured specifically for this exhibition.
-Reykjavík Art Museum: Hafnarhús, admission: 1,400 ISK

Vintage-Caravan-by-Philippe-Beck-e1423226054125The Vintage Caravan / Oni / Churchhouse Creepers
Psychadelic rockers Vintage Caravan are back after touring extensively through Europe. They may only be here for a stopover, but their gigs are always a safe bet for those those hungry for vintage rock music.
-Gaukurinn at 21:00, admission: 2,000 ISK

Svavar-KnúturSvavar Knútur
Singer-songwriter Svavar Knútur is back! Expect jokes about masturbation, zombies and Star Wars in between songs (sometimes jokes involving all three at the same time).
-Café Rosenberg at 22:00

This is only a fragment of the Grapevine’s listings. For the complete schedule, head over to our listings site. If you have events that you want listed, please email them to us at

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