From Iceland — Brauð & Co: 101's New Bakery

Brauð & Co: 101’s New Bakery

Published March 21, 2016

Brauð & Co: 101’s New Bakery
Hrefna Björg Gylfadóttir Jóhanna Pétursdóttir
Photo by
Hrefna Björg

Denizen of the crowded 101 Reykjavík have a new reason to celebrate, as Brauð & co, situated on Frakkastígur 16, has just opened its doors. The artisan bakery was started by Ágúst Einþórsson and three of his friends, who say they take pride in their goods containing no additives and being baked locally. In fact, you can watch them bake it right there in the store.

Ágúst used to work at a bakery in Copenhagen and was inspired to bring the easy-going atmosphere to Reykjavík; Brauð & co. has no official opening hours, and many of their recipes—including their much-lauded sourdough bread—are of the owners’ making.

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After a two-year search for the perfect location, Brauð & co is open for business.

PS: word on the Twittersphere is that it’s the best bread in town.

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