From Iceland — Háskar: March 30th “Doomsday Festival” Approaches In Reykjavík

Háskar: March 30th “Doomsday Festival” Approaches In Reykjavík

Published March 26, 2018

Háskar: March 30th “Doomsday Festival” Approaches In Reykjavík
Photo by
Timothée Lambrecq

An interesting event appeared on the Reykjavík radar this year. On March 30th at the Iðnó arts theatre, Svikamylla ehf.—the somewhat opaque company associated with conceptual, theatrical art-punk trio Hatari—announced a “doomsday party” called Háskar, a play on “Páskar,” which is Icelandic for Easter.

The event runs from 3pm-3am, and features a range of artists, DJs and bands from the underground scene. We sent them some questions to try and find out what the hell is going on—and found out that the “anonymous spokespersons” of Svikamylla ehf. are positive doomsday is upon us.

To whom at Svikmalla ehf. are we addressing these questions?
Your questions were discussed by the board of Svikamylla ehf at their biweekly meeting here in Reykjavik.

What is the purpose of the company Svikamylla ehf.?
Svikamylla ehf. is a transnational private holding company headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland. The company’s aim is to bring an end to neoliberal capitalism, as well as managing real estate, loans, imports and exports. HATARI ©, the HATARI © logo, and all products of the HATARI © brand are exclusive intellectual property of Svikamylla ehf.

“Just as you would say that a person who jumps off a cliff is in a falling state, mankind is now in a doomsday state.”

Why is March 30th 2018, specifically, an appropriate time to hold a doomsday party?
On one hand the date of March 30th has to do with market driven reasons and was specifically chosen by the managerial accounting staff of Svikamylla ehf – our figures show there is not much happening in Reykjavík during the holidays and there are many idle-handed artists willing to work without payment. These are what we call optimal conditions for event management. On the the other hand the date has to with the occult. As you may have noticed, the number three figures multiple times in the marketing and management of Háskar. It is the sincere belief of our chairman that the mystic power of the Triad will speed up the doomsday process.

Is this party an attempt to incite the onset of doomsday?
Doomsday is already upon us. It is a state we inevitably find ourselves in. Just as you would say that a person who jumps off a cliff is in a falling state, mankind is now in a doomsday state. The purpose of Háskar is not only to recognise and pay tribute to this fact, but also to capitalise on this doomsday state.

What will this doomsday party entail?
The celebration will entail a packed twelve hour program of poetry, performance, classical music, electronic noises, installations, hardcore bands and other acts that we find fitting for the onset of mankind’s doom. We celebrate, because not to celebrate would be to give in to despair, and despair tends to yield what we call a negative operating result.

Will the onset of doomsday occur during the party, and will anyone survive?
Doomsday will occur during Háskar, after Háskar and until the last member of the species posts the last photo on the last of the social media before drawing its last breath. Our days are numbered.

See the event lineup here. Tickets for Háskar are on sale now.

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