From Iceland — Happening This Weekend: Our Picks!

Happening This Weekend: Our Picks!

Published January 25, 2019

Happening This Weekend: Our Picks!

It’s been said that January is the Monday of the months. We don’t believe that though, as there are so many not-to-miss events happening. Here are our weekend picks.

Friday, January 25th

Kælan Mikla: Nótt eftir Nótt + Some Ember

21:00, Gaukurinn, 1,500 ISK

Five years ago, Kælan Mikla were playing twenty-minute sets of furious poetry-punk in the attic at Dillon. Five months ago, they were jetting off to London to open for Placebo, at the request of Robert Smith. Now, they are releasing their third album, ‘Nótt eftir Nótt’. Come for a live performance that features ritualistic, droning bass, vocalised wails and screams, incense and, of course, glitter

Saturday, January 26th

Halfway To Reykjavík Fringe Party

20:00, Hlemmur Square, Free!

The 2018 Reykjavík Fringe Festival took last years alternative scene by storm, and now it’s halfway to the 2019 iteration—time to get artsy. At this party, they’ll be a drag show by Deff Starr, poetry by Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir from the Poetry Brothel, tarot readings by Bára Halldórsdóttir, burlesque by Maria Callista from Dömur og Herra, a performance by hip hop band Regn, and some fire breathing by Svaný Sif, all hosted by Jonathan Duffy, Iceland’s only gay Australian comedian. If that’s not enough, they’ll also be some free drinks and nibbles.

Sunday, January 27th

Erró: Black And White

Until April 25th, Reykjavík Art Museum Hafnarhús

Most are familiar with Erró’s cartoonish paintings, but recently, the artist has been exploring the darker side of art. Here, historical leaders, Manga characters, and animated figures are put side by side in exclusively black and white works—a first for the artist. Reykjavík Art Musuem – Hafnarhús is open from 10:00 to 17:00 today, but if you can’t catch Erró today, the exhibition will be open until April 25th.

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