Author: Kristrún Hrafnsdóttir
Just Sayings: “Það Er Uppi Á Honum Typpið”
If you like sayings that sound sexual, but aren’t really, then the phrase “Það er uppi á honum typpið” is…
Just Sayings: “Að Missa Andlitið”
“Að missa andlitið” literally translates as “to lose your face,” which sounds quite frightening, but for Icelanders, it’s a common…
Let’s TACO About This New Food Truck!
A brand new food truck called Tacoson has opened in Reykjavík. The eatery, which was started by three friends, will…
66°North Gets Global Investor
New opportunities for Icelandic outerwear brand 66° North are on the horizon in the fashion world. Vísir reports today that…
Gross! E.Coli Bacteria Found In Icelandic Lamb Meat
It’s a fact universally known that Icelanders love stating if something is 100% Icelandic, whether it’s vegetables, the air you…