Author: Catherine Magnúsdóttir

Well, You Asked: Something To Look Forward To
Your most pressing questions, answered by the smartest person at GV HQ Why is it so tricky for me to…

Love at First Flight
Taking Flight on Iceland’s Mega Zipline Staring down a canyon and the valley beyond, strapped into a harness and hanging…

Ask An Expert: What Makes An Icelandic Ghost?
We asked a folklorist for all the spooky details The autumn air is crisp and the darkness is creeping back…

Well, You Asked: Come Home To Roost
The Grapevine’s finest answers your most pressing questions Do you ever get bored of living in such a gorgeous place?…

Ask An Expert: What Is Traditional Icelandic Music?
We asked a folk musician for answers With Iceland Airwaves just behind us, it is nice to take a moment…

Well, You Asked: Bumpy Roads, Take Me Home
If I go to Airwaves in November and sleep in a van, will I die? Depends. What do you think…

What’s The Deal With Icelandic Poetry?
We turned to a literature professor for answers Icelandic poetry is alive and well – as a quick glance at…

Well You Asked: Out Of This World
How is Icelandic Pizza Hut so much better than American Pizza Hut? I’ve been asking myself that one for almost…

Well, You Asked: This Town Ain’t Big Enough
The Grapevine’s Best and Brightest Answer Your Most Pressing Questions Why is some public water in Reykjavik so full of…

Well, You Asked: This Town Ain’t Big Enough
The Grapevine’s Best and Brightest Answer Your Most Pressing Questions Why is some public water in Reykjavik so full of…

How Will (Or Won’t) Climate Change Affect The Weather In Iceland?
What’s the easiest way to distinguish an Icelander from a tourist downtown? Easy. Icelanders have long given up dressing for…

What Was The Purpose Of Witchcraft In Iceland?
You can summon money using a stolen coin, an ancient symbol drawn upon the skin of a black wildcat, a…

What’s Nibbling On Iceland’s Forests?
Tree growth in Iceland has risen almost exponentially in the last few decades. In part due rather unfortunately to rising…

Rock, Rust And Road Trip Dust
Taking a long awaited trip up West “We’ll have to drive around a lot of fjords.” “Yup.” “That’s going to…

How Did Reykjavík Pride Begin?
Iceland enjoys one of the queer friendliest reputations in the world and it just so happens that another Pride festival…
It’s A Disinfectant, I Swear!
The Grapevine answers your most pressing questions The first time that I visited Iceland more than 40 years ago beer…

Ask An Expert: What Happened To The Trains In Iceland?
We turned to Árbær Open Air Museum for answers Public transport certainly is…a thing in Iceland if the nice yellow…

Ask An Expert: Why Are There More Conspiracies Than Murders?
One of the joys of researching birds is the group names one comes across. So, while we are able to…

Ask An Expert: How Did Vikings Fight?
We found out from a real life Jarl Vikings are cool. They are rough and tough, the epitome of badass-itude…

What’s up with the Icelandic Punk Museum?
We went to the curator for answers It’s a staple on Bankastræti — and pretty hard to miss with its…
Inflation and Safewords
The Grapevine answers your most pressing questions How are the average citizens dealing with inflation and the high price of…

Ask An Expert: What Makes Icelandic Moss So Special?
We turned to an ecology professor for answers Icelandic Moss is frequently advertised for its high nutritional value and health…

Ask An Expert: What’s Up With The Squirrel In The World Tree?
Mythology is kind of quirky. A lot of the elements people came up with to explain the universe seem really…

Well, You Asked: Habitats and Hunting Grounds
What is the Reykjavík Grapevine staff’s favourite lunch break restaurant? Given that the office is close to the harbour, we…

Well, You Asked: Get Your Avocados in Tenerife, Birthday Boy
Why are avocados so expensive? It’s the price for coolness and chiqué, my friend. The ultimate freshness on toast requires…