Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Icelandic Company Donates Water To Serbian Flood Victims


Icelandic Water Holdings intends to send over 72,000 half-litre bottles of potable water to those displaced by flooding in Serbia….

Union Reminds Employers Of Labour Law


An Icelandic union points out that people are often hired to do work for wages below what is considered acceptable…

Prison Sentences For Five Former Glitnir Bankers


Reykjavík District Court yesterday sentenced five Glitnir bankers to four to five years in prison for market manipulation and fraud….

Sixteen Fin Whales Hunted


The whaling company Hvalur hf. has landed sixteen fin whales, which international authorities say are an endangered species. Sixteen fin…

Party Leading Ruling Coalition Has Single-Digit Support


The Progressive Party, which leads the ruling coalition and is the seat of the Prime Minister, is currently polling at…

Tourists No Longer See Iceland As An Inexpensive Destination


The director of the Icelandic Tourist Board says that tourists no longer regard Iceland as a cheap travel destination, but…

Believes Cannabis Use Constitutionally Unpunishable


A district court attorney contends that, according to the Icelandic Constitution, the possession and personal use of marijuana is not…

Councilperson Resigns From Party Over “Nationalist Populism”


A Progressive city councilperson has resigned from the party due to what he called “nationalist populism” being used to get…

President’s Car Parked Illegally Again


The car of the President of Iceland has been photographed parked illegally again, marking the third known verified instance in…

Entrance Fee To Kerið Deemed Illegal


Charging an entrance fee to visit the crater Kerið is now considered illegal by the Environment Agency of Iceland (UST)….

Inaccessible Parking Space “Mistake”


No one seems to know who created a poorly-placed parking spot for the disabled near Hlemmur, but it has been…

State Prosecutor Receives Ministry Leak Evidence


Evidence that police have gathered in their investigations of the Ministry of the Interior has been handed over to the…

No Photoshopped Passport Photos


The Ministry of the Interior is fine-tuning new regulations for passports and passport photos, including a ban on any image…

Progressive Disavows Islamophobes


“They bet on the wrong horse.”Progressive city councilperson Sveinbjörg Birna Sveinbjörnsdóttir says she will not fight against a mosque in…

Finance Minister To US On Whaling: “Who Has The Moral High Ground?”


Minister of Finance Bjarni Benediktsson has responded to America’s anti-whaling position against Iceland, in part by pointing out that the…

Iceland World’s Most Peaceful Country (Again)


Iceland has once again come out on top as the world’s most peaceful country. According to the latest results of…

Ministry Leak Suspect Found, Media Still Not Obliged To Reveal Source


Attention focuses on ministry employeeA new ruling from the Supreme Court shows that police investigations of the Ministry of the…

State Prosecutor: Fatal Police Shooting Legal, But Changes Are Needed


The police committed no wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of a gunman last December, the State Prosecutor has determined, but…

Air Mechanics Planning Court Action


“We will not take this quietly,” says union officialThe Air Mechanics’ Union negotiations chairperson has called a possible government ban…

Norway Changes Mind, Will Send Christmas Tree After All


Icelanders need no longer worry about where their next Austurvöllur Christmas tree will come from, as city officials in Oslo…

Disease Likely Explanation For Mysterious Bird Deaths


The sudden and inexplicable deaths of dozens of birds is probably linked to a disease, says an Icelandic ornithologist. “Everything…

Skating Across South Iceland


A tourist from Singapore might very well be the first person to attempt to travel from Höfn to Reykjavík entirely…

Progressives Shut Out Of City Committees


The ruling coalition of Reykjavík city council has decided not to invite the Progressives to take part in any of…

Fishing Minister Not Worried About US Anti-Whaling Actions


Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson believes Iceland should have been invited to the international ocean sustainability conference…

Unexplainable Bird Deaths Puzzle Scientists


Dozens of sea birds have been found dead in a region of Snæfellsnes, and the cause eludes the experts. Vísir…