From Iceland — Seminal Icelandic Band GusGus Turn 20, Release Film Interviews

Seminal Icelandic Band GusGus Turn 20, Release Film Interviews

Published December 14, 2015

Seminal Icelandic Band GusGus Turn 20, Release Film Interviews

Time flies, huh? It might seem like yesterday, but 2015 marks the 20th anniversary since Icelandic electronica pioneers GusGus first appeared.

They have, of course, evolved substantially across the intervening two decades. Starting as a hazy, experimental trip-hop art collective, they’ve passed through several distinct incarnations, existing now as a slick house-techno-pop outfit.

To mark the occasion, long term members Daníel Ágúst and Biggi Veira did some nice video interviews with Nordic Playlist, talking about their formation, the rolling cast of members, their history and the success of their current incarnation.

GusGus also regularly post demos, DJ sets, live versions, free downloads and more on their Soundcloud, so head over there to explore some rarities from their nine-album career if you’re feeling sentimental.

You can also read our in-depth feature on the band’s evolution, which was published as a cover story around their last album, ‘Mexico’.

So, happy birthday GusGus! Grapevine loves you!

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