From Iceland — Today At The Reykjavík Dance Festival: Saturday 29 August

Today At The Reykjavík Dance Festival: Saturday 29 August

Published August 29, 2015

Today At The Reykjavík Dance Festival: Saturday 29 August
Anna Manning
Photo by
Maurice Korbel

The Reykjavík Dance Festival (RDF) is in full swing, five glorious days of performances, workshops, and more. Navigating the schedule can be a daunting task, so read on for a short list of things to look out for today. 

‘GRRRRLS’ by Ásrún Magnúdsóttir

GrrrrrrrrlsAt the RDF last November, Ásrún Magnúsdóttir helped create ‘Fronting,’ a series of solos for Icelandic musicians based on their stage presences. Her new work ‘GRRRRLS’ delves into what it means to be a teenage girl. It looks at female solidarity in young girls and what it means for them to stand together.

15:00 at Gamla Bíó. Admission 2,900 ISK, tickets can be purchased here. Check out the Facebook event.

‘Song of Cranes’ by Ragnheiður Harpa Leifsdóttir

Using construction cranes rather than dancers, this work is truly unique. This work takes a common urban feature and proves that anything can be beautiful. This is not Ragnheiður Harpa’s first sky-high venture. Her finale piece at the 2014 Reykjavík Arts Festival was performed by airplanes. Keep in mind ‘Song of Cranes’ is only 12 minutes long, so don’t be late!

17:00 at Grótta, Seltjarnares (see map). Free Admission.

‘Schönheisabend’ by Vincent Riebeek & Florentina Holzinger

schönheitsabendAt the beginning of the 20th century Ballet Russes shocked audiences with works like ‘Petrushka’, ‘Rite of Spring’ and ‘Afternoon of a Faun’, but the bold violence and eroticism of these works is often lost on modern audiences. Vincent Riebeek and Florentina Holzinger have revamped ‘Sheherazade’ in a way that would make Fokine proud: a traditional duet with explicit sexual content, unsuitable for under-18s.

21:00 at Tjarnabíó. Admission 2,900 ISK, tickets can be purchased here. Check out the Facebook event.

You can also check out the full Lókal & Reykjavík Dance Festival schedule on our listings website.

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