From Iceland — Don’t Ask Nanna

Don’t Ask Nanna

Published July 31, 2012

Don’t Ask Nanna

Dear Nanna,
I’m a graphic designer and fashion blogger and I fell in love with Iceland on a recent trip. I’m thinking about moving to Reykjavik but I’m worried about getting a job. I’d really hate to work as a waiter or something. Can you introduce me to someone in media?
Fashion Foodie
Dear Fashion Foodie,
Introduce you to someone? What am I, the mayor? I have no power or influence and no one listens to me. Anyway, we have enough hipsters here, and our hipsters aren’t too good to wait tables, who do you think you are, exactly? Reykjavík has filled its quota. Please stay where you are.

Dear Nanna,
Why does Hard Fiskur, that dried fish, smell so bad? My mother brought me some from her visit to Iceland and even though it’s in a heavy plastic bag it’s stinking up my entire apartment!
Dear Fishy,
Your question exemplifies what I don’t understand about people. Why do you make your life worse than it has to be? You don’t like the smell of Hard Fiskur? Throw it away! Or eat it, what do I care? I can’t tell you why dried fish smells so bad, that’s a dilemma for science and I still can’t name a prime number above seven. But I can tell you that dried fish is an Icelandic staple because the drying preserves it for years. Which helped the poor Icelanders of yore stave off starvation.
Bon Appetit Fishy,

Dear Nanna,
Why is there no good Mexican food in Iceland? I want a breakfast burrito.
Burrito Benny
Dear Burrito Benny,
My extensive experience eating Mexican food tells me that outside Mexico, it is very difficult to get a decent taco. Period.  A number of factors could be at play here. It could be a lack of access to proper spices.  Perhaps it is because of Iceland’s enforcement of health and safety regulations. Who can say? But I can tell you that there’s probably money to be made out of a burrito cart in central Reykjavik and if you build it, they will come. Or at least I will.
    In exchange for unveiling your true destiny, i.e opening a burrito cart, I expect a voucher for two burritos in my name.
That is all.

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