From Iceland — Metro Announces New Health-Conscious Campaign

Metro Announces New Health-Conscious Campaign

Published October 19, 2011

Following in the footsteps of other fast food chains around the world, Metro will now be making available the nutritional information of the items on their menu.
Metro is a fast food chain exclusive to Iceland, who took over when McDonald’s left Iceland in 2009. Since then, they have offered largely the same menu, only with different names for the products, and most ingredients produced domestically.
In a statement to the media, Metro has now announced that they intend to let their customers know the nutritional value of their products so that people can better gauge what they eat, in what quantities, and with what frequency.
They also point out that this policy has not only been utilised by fast food chains the world over, but was also the subject of a recent parliamentary proposal submitted by Progressive MP Siv Friðleifsdóttir. As a proposal – and not a law – fast food restaurants are not legally obliged to disclose nutritional information; Metro is electing to do so on their own accord.

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