

Published September 23, 2011

Dear reader,
thank you for picking up this copy of The Reykjavík Grapevine. I hope you will find something in here to read and enjoy; perhaps some new knowledge or a point of view you hadn’t considered.
At least you ought to be able to get a kick out of the comix and the lovely photographs. Also I hear our ‘listings’ section is quite informative for those that like attending events and going out on the town or whatnot.
Here is a fun fact for you to ponder: This is the 138th issue of Reykjavík Grapevine. Our first issue, which had a soldier on the cover, was published on June 13, 2003. I don’t think anyone (including the magazine’s founders) could have imagined we’d still be going more than eight years later. But for some reason people keep reading us, so we have kept making new issues and distributing them. For the most part, it is a really fun process. You should try it if you haven’t already. And if you feel like contributing to the paper in any way (like by submitting articles or drawings or photographs or ideas), then you should.
Again: The main goal of The Reykjavík Grapevine (aside from being helpful to tourists and travellers) is to reflect the community from whence it springs and the multitude of standpoints that it consists of. The Reykjavík Grapevine does not have ‘opinions’—our contributors do. And they often disagree with one another, and we often disagree with them or their articles. This is the whole idea: to serve as haven for discourse and reflection within our community.
Someone might ask: “But where are all the contributions from Independence Party supporters? Or neoliberals? Or hardcore capitalists?”
And they would be right in asking this. It is a good question. To tell you the truth, as editor of this entity for almost three years now: I have no idea.
Perhaps they don’t think their opinions would be welcome on these pages? They are wrong, if they think that. Speaking for myself, I think few things are more enjoyable and enlightening than reading well thought out and argued for articles that express views or ideas that I disagree with or have in the past thought irrational, and I hope our readers share this sentiment.
I do not believe that I know everything. As a matter of fact I don’t think anyone does (although that Noam Chomsky fellow seems pretty smart), and I try to be open to new ideas, and willing to change my mind. I think everyone should strive for this (it is not always easy).
So send in your article pitches and ideas, even if you think they counter whatever it is you think Reykjavík Grapevine means and/or stands for (don’t send us anything if you are some sort of Nazi or sexist or homophobe or hatespeech monger, though. Because fuck you and everything you stand for).

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