Iceland’s first travel office for the LGBT community, Pink Iceland, has been making a splash in the international gay press and bringing more attention to Iceland as a gay-friendly travel destination.
The magazines Diva, Curve and L-Mag have all spoken highly of Pink Iceland, Vísir reports. Eva María Þórarinsdóttir Lange, the co-owner of Pink Iceland, said she has been honoured by the attention.
“It’s of course a great introduction for the country,” she said, “even outside of our target clientèle, which will without a doubt open a number of doors and bring revenue into the tourist industry. Studies have shown that gay people travel a lot and are ready to spend money.” She added that bookings have increased tremendously, and that they appear to go strong through the winter as well as the summer.
Pink Iceland was first reported on in the Grapevine last March, as the company had newly launched and was just getting the project off the ground. The brainchild of Eva and her partner, Birna Hrönn Björnsdóttir, Eva told the Grapevine that starting Pink Iceland just seemed the natural course to take.
“Me and my girlfriend have been helping out gay tourists for about five or six years,” she told us, “Showing people around, making recommendations and such. The last couple years had been a lot of work, so we just decided to make a business out of it. There was a need there, and we wanted to fulfil it.”
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