From Iceland — Well, You Asked: Let’s Rant About Meat!

Well, You Asked: Let’s Rant About Meat!

Published June 6, 2019

Well, You Asked: Let’s Rant About Meat!
Hannah Jane Cohen
Photo by
Mink Studios

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

How best to deal with meat guilt? I feel bad 4 eating it.

It sounds to me like you want to be a vegan but unfortunately have no self-control. We’d recommend taking a hallucinogen while sitting in front of a steak. Relax, trip, and talk to it. You’ll either find out that it’s absolutely fundamentally imperative that you become vegan to save your new steak friend Steve, or become so disillusioned to the plight of the animal world that you no longer have meat guilt and can start eating whale. Success!

Was it really that important that Icelanders jailed the bankers and crowd sourced their new constitution? They still had a prime minister in the Panama papers and the British 1% is buying up all the good land, so it can’t have been that important.

Woah. It sounds like you’ve got the basis of a sure-to-be-viral opinion piece going on. Please email us at with your continued thoughts. We’d love the advertising money those clicks will make us—so will our bankers.

I’ve been watching Netflix’s flat-Earth documentary “Behind The Curve.” I’ve lost faith in humanity. Please help.

Well, we never thought we’d be saying this, but you should check out Logan Paul’s mockumentary, “FLAT EARTH: To The Edge And Back.” It’s a satirical take on the issue, and proves that, apparently, Logan Paul, the guy who filmed a dead body, is more reasonable than flat earthers. We truly do live in the darkest timeline.

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