From Iceland — Happening This Week: Erró, ANORI & Devine Defilement!

Happening This Week: Erró, ANORI & Devine Defilement!

Published April 30, 2019

Happening This Week: Erró, ANORI & Devine Defilement!

Sorry for the delay! We had a Grapevine day off on Monday, so here’s your not-to-miss events for April 30th to May 2nd in Reykjavík.

Tuesday, April 30th
‘ANORI’ ScreeningL
20:30, Nordic House, Free!

This Greenlandic film alternates between the desolate landscapes of Greenland and the fluorescent glare of New York City, bridging the gap between the magic and myths of the protagonist’s home and the modern comforts of her new city. Tickets are free but you have to RSVP online here.

Wednesday, May 1st
Erró: Mao’s World Tour: Opening Event
17:00, Reykjavík Art Museum: Hafnarhús

Between 1972 and 1980, Erró painted over 130 paintings, with two images of different origins against each other: Chinese propaganda posters of Mao Zedong and Western tourist pictures from famous sites. Erró pictures Chairman Mao on a triumphant tour around the world when in reality Mao only made two trips out of China. It’s a sarcastic reference to the wave of Maoism caught by Western artists and intellectuals following the Paris student riots in May 1968. The exhibit opens today, but will be on view until January 5th of next year. At this opening event, see Erró in the flesh and also hear a special address from the Mayor of Reykjavík, Dagur B. Eggertsson.

Thursday, May 2nd
Devine Defilement / Hubris & Blóðmör
21:00, Gaukurinn, Free!

Death metal death eaters Devine Defilement are here with a new album entitled ‘Obliviora.’ The boys are known for super heavy slams at a blistering pace and a balls to the walls stage presence. Also on the lineup are the very confident Hubris and the very delicious Blóðmör (‘Blood Pudding’). It’s a free show, so go and get drunk. 

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