Words in the morning. For now enjoy these videos.
This first one shows the crowd of protesters – many of whom had been at it since 1:00 PM that afternoon – convened in front of the government’s headquarters at Lækjartorg at 1:20 AM this morning. This was after their peaceful protests in front of the house of parliament, Alþingi, at Austurvöllur were disbanded by repeated teargas attacks from the police. At the moment of recording, they can be seen trying to build a new fire using newspapers and park benches as fuel.
The second one, shot at approximately 1:45 AM tonight, shows where small portions of the hitherto peaceful protesters have started throwing bricks from the surrounding sidewalk at the small group of police officers guarding the building. About fifty seconds into the clip, you can see a group of peaceful protesters have grouped in front of the policemen, as if to form a barrier to protect them. After calling for silence, they demand that their fellow civilians stop throwing rocks at the police, as they are merely doing their job. “Stop throwing the fucking rocks,” they can be heard say, “this is a peaceful protest! Direct your anger in the appropriate direction! Let this not dissolve into chaos!”
Today is reportedly slated to be the third consecutive day of protesting in Reykjavík.
Also: this guy gathered some pretty nice pictures from here and there. This Flickr has recent shots, Nei. has some good ones, and Grapevine scribe PalliH tells an interesting tale in his pics.
Please drop us a line at editor@grapevine.is if you have any pictures, videos or words about the on-going events to submit.
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