Winter Travel Picks: A Hike & A Day Trip

Winter Travel Picks: A Hike & A Day Trip

Everyone knows that you have to be careful getting out into the wilds during the Icelandic winter. But there´s no reason you can’t get out into the landscape, whether on foot, or skiing over a glacier—at least, if you’ve booked a trip, or made the right preparations. Here are two things that are fun to try out int he winter season.

Hiking Úlfarsfell

Hike of the Month: Úlfarsfell
Words: Jón Trausti Sigurðarsson

Úlfarsfell is a 296m hill located between Reykjavík and the nearby municipality of Mosfellsbær. The fact that it is neither very steep, nor far away from the city centre makes it a safe bet for a winter hike. Although a relatively easy and short hike of about 4.5km back and forth, and ascension of about 160m, the payoff is disproportionately high—from the top of Úlfarsfell, the hiker will get a panoramic view of Reykjavík and its surrounding suburbs, along with a view of Faxaflói bay and its surrounding mountains. Park your car by the Hamrahlíð Forestry parking lot, just off Vesturlandsvegur (Route 1) and look for a sign that explains the two available routes up the mountain. If the hill is covered in snow, pick the southern route as it is not as steep. The hike should take about 1.5 hours all in all.


Trip of the Month: Snowmobiles
Words: Hannah Jane Cohen

Perhaps the best way to experience the gleaming glacial badlands of Iceland is on the back of a snowmobile. Yes, with one gear and one accelerator, you can satiate your thirst for both adrenaline and beauty. Driving to the Langjökull glacier takes about an hour and a half from downtown Reykjavík, and it’s the perfect location for some snowy exploration. Just ten minutes into your tour you’ll lose sight of day-to-day life, finding yourself surrounded by pure unending white as far as the eye can see, save for the occasional speck of another snowmobile in the distance. Framed by jagged mountains and the shining sun, you can enjoy the beautiful vista as well as a few jumps, if you’re brave. But don’t forget, of course, to stop for a moment and gaze at the desolate wilderness: You won’t find this anywhere else. You’ll be awed. You’ll be dwarfed. Most importantly? You’ll be satisfied. Read more and book a trip here.

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