Kexland X Airwaves X Your Hangover

Kexland X Airwaves X Your Hangover

Kex has got your back. Whether it’s an afternoon pick-me-up at the gastro pub, an into-the-evening off venue show, or literally the roof over your head at the end of the night, Kex is around you during Airwaves like a hug. This year their adventure company Kexland has planned a daytime getaway for those especially tender moments of daytime, the strange hours between last night’s last beer and tonight’s first.

So while burying your head under a pillow and pretending the world doesn’t exist is a tried-and-true hangover fighter, you’re in Iceland. The world out there does exist. And it’s fucking beautiful.


The “Kexland Airwaves Recovery Trip” departs each day from Kex Hostel at 10:30 and returns to the same place at 15:00 in the afternoon. It begins with a drive to Kleifavatn Lake where visitors can stretch their legs and their lungs on the moon-like black beach. From there the bus carries on to Seltún hot spring area and then to the town of Álftanes, where one has the choice of dipping into the hot pots and wave pool or strolling to Bessastaðir, the home of the president of Iceland.

Swimming pool admission, munchies, and beers are included. Feel the embrace.

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