municipal elections — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Meet The Immigrant Candidates: René Biasone of the Left-Greens


As we’ve emphasised (as a lot of people don’t seem to know this), you don’t need to be a citizen…

Meet The Immigrant Candidates: Sabine Leskopf of the Social Democrats


As we’ve emphasised (as a lot of people don’t seem to know this), you don’t need to be a citizen…

Most Icelandic Parties Pledge To Not Use Xenophobia In Their Election Campaigns


Most – but not all – parties running for Reykjavík City Hall have pledged not to use fear or hatred…

Private Law Firm & Former MP At The Centre Of Election Controversy In North Iceland


A law firm, a former MP, and a proposed power plant are enmeshed against an attempt being made by environmental…

Former MP Leaks Information On Suspicious Election Activity In North Iceland


The names of the 18 people who moved their legal address to Árneshreppur was leaked to the public by a…

Shady Election Activity In Sleepy North Iceland Region


Suspicious activity in a remote, sparsely-populated region of north Iceland could be an attempt at swaying an important election for…

Everyone In The Running For Small Icelandic Regional Councils


Due to no parties officially throwing their hats in the ring, every eligible resident in several sparsely-populated northwest Iceland regions…

16 Parties Officially Running For Reykjavik City Hall This Month


A total of sixteen parties met yesterday’s deadline to hand in their official list of candidates for this month’s Reykjavík…

The Immigrants Running For Reykjavik City Hall


Municipal elections tend to attract more immigrant candidates than parliamentary elections. This might be because foreigners who aren’t yet citizens…

Reminder: You Do Not Have To Be A Citizen To Vote In Iceland’s City Elections


What appears to be an honest mistake from the Independence Party’s campaign manager underlines the importance of knowing your voting…

Neo-Nationalist ‘Freedom Party’ Announces Candidacy For Reykjavik Elections


Political party Frelsisflokkurinn, or Freedom Party, has just announced their first-ever candidature for municipal elections in Reykjavík next May, Visir…

Election Campainful: A Serious Review Of Election Campaign Videos


With only a month to go before municipal elections and a plethora of problems to solve, political parties scramble to…

Conservatives And Social Dems Neck-And-Neck In Reykjavik City Council Race


Municipal elections are coming up next month, and a new poll from Fréttablaðið shows the Independence Party and the Social…

List Of Sole Female Candidates To Be Presented For Reykjavik Elections


Kvennaframboð, a list comprised solely of female candidates, will be running for municipal elections in Reykjavík in May, Kjarninn reports….

Who’s Running The Show In Iceland Anyway?


We’re now six months from last year’s parliamentary elections, and our government is ostensibly led by the Left-Greens. I say…

City Elections: Majority Holds, Most Want Dagur To Stay As Reykjavik Mayor


With municipal elections just over a month away, a new poll show most Icelanders want things to stay pretty much…

Bill To Lower Voting Age In Iceland Unlikely To Pass In Time For Elections


Heavy fillibustering prevented a bill to lower the voting age in municipal elections in Iceland from 18 to 16 from…

Voting Age For City Elections In Iceland May Soon Be Lowered To 16


A bill in Parliament that would lower the voting age for municipal elections from 18 to 16 is in the…

Monday News Edit: What Are Icelanders Talking About?


March has been eventful so far, but not always in a good way. As we step into a new week,…

Monday News Edit: What Are Icelanders Talking About?


It’s been a busy week, with good and sad news alike, and with a good dose of sunshine to warm…

Reykjavík Elections: Majority Holding, Conservatives Rising


A new poll shows Reykjavík City Hall’s current majority still holding, but the Independence Party is experiencing a surge of…