word of the issue — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Money For Nothing


An unsteady, elderly man spends the better part of a minute dismounting from his stool. He hobbles over to the…

On A Date With Cindy Gallop: Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby


“Bloody hell. Good god… It’s quite extraordinary, actually,” Cindy Gallop said mere minutes after walking into the Icelandic Phallological Museum….

Preserving The Laxá Explosion


It’s dark and silent—nothing unusual around midnight by the river Laxá and lake Mývatn in the north of Iceland. But…

WOW Air Sizes Up Sex Trade Workers To Promote Ticket Sales To Amsterdam


A recent description of Amsterdam which appeared on WOW Air’s homepage is complicit in marketing and objectifying female sex trade…

New Government Agreement Signed, New Ministers Chosen


The succeeding coalition government coalesced yesterday, as the leaders of the Progressive Party and the Independent Party signed a new…

Reykjavík Grapevine 2013 Election Liveblog


The final numbers are in: Social Democrats: 9 MPs Leftist-Greens: 7 MPs Independence Party: 19 MPs Progressives: 19 MPs Bright…

An End To The Neverending Nightmare?


“The nation has been unburdened of a nightmare,” Ólafur Jóhannesson, then Minister of Justice, proudly stated in parliament on February…

News In Brief


March sure came in like a lion and went out like a lamb, eh? In fact, it’s almost difficult to…

Vote On City Improvements


The City of Reykjavík is inviting residents to vote on improvements they wish to see implemented around town. So if…

Framsóknarflokkurinn (“The Progressive Party”) Interviewed


1.    Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. Radical-rationalism. 2.    Tell us about your party. What’s it all…

Húmanistaflokkurinn (“The Humanist Party”) Interviewed


1.    Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. The party’s agenda is to prioritise the human being before…

Flokkur Heimilanna (“The Household’s Party”)


1.     Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. The Household’s Party, X-I, will tackle the most pressing economic…

Norwegian Says “Share The Wealth” Of Potential Oil industry


A Norwegian investigative journalist specializing in the energy industry has issued a word of advice to Iceland: make sure the…

Iceland: The New Morocco?


When I started surfing in Iceland 11 years ago, people would ask me the same question over and over again:…

Peaks Are Not For Conquering


Ari Trausti Guðmundsson is a prolific writer whose collection of short stories ‘Vegalínur’ (“Road Lines”) received the Halldór Laxness Literature…

Not The Knee-Jerk Reaction – Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl on Illska


Raised in Iceland by Lithuanian parents, Agnes is a history student writing her thesis on today’s right wing populism and…

As Hard Or As Easy As You Like: Skiing On The Troll Peninsula


Perfect spring corn on virtually every run, panoramas straight out of the Icelandic Sagas, excellent company and some of the…

Techno Epiphanies And Evolving Soundscapes


After last night‘s shenanigans, where I spent most of the evening running around various venues like a headless chicken, I…

No You Silly Person, Don’t Confuse Harpa For A Public Toilet!


I was beginning to think that after spending billions of other people’s krónur on the cultural death star known as…

So What’s This Asylum Tourism I Keep Hearing About?


After spending a gazillion dollars convincing foreigners that Iceland in winter is not an uninhabitable rock floating in the colder…

Growing Old, French Style


The magic is gone, but once upon a time things were better. Perhaps this is a natural conclusion for filmmakers…