From Iceland — New Government Approval Ratings Almost 70%

New Government Approval Ratings Almost 70%

Published February 4, 2025

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Wikimedia Commons

The results of a recent Gallup survey show that the new government’s approval rating measures at 69%. However, the total support of each government party amounts to 48%, reports RÚV.

The rating is on par with previous incumbent governments, with the former coalition of the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn), Left Greens (Vinstri Græn) and Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn) rated at 74.1% in December, 2017.

The survey also assessed voter support for each individual party. The Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin) tops the list at 21.7%, followed by Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn at 20.5%.

The Liberal Reform Party (Viðreisn) increased its ratings to 16.2%; The Centre Party (Miðflokkurinn) measures at 12.7%; The People’s Party lost support, measuring at 10.6%, compared to previous surveys.

About 6.7% of voters said they would vote for Framsóknarflokkurinn, while 5.2% would opt for the Socialist Party.

The Pirate Party and Vinstri Græn reach last place with 3.5% and 2.2% support, respectively.

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