Every single one of Reykjavík’s swimming pools have received the rainbow certification, as reported by a press release sent by city spokespersons. The colourful stamp of approval signifies Reykjavík’s commitment towards LGBTQ+ affairs.
The certificate aims to make Reykjavík more inclusive towards LGBTQ+ people — both as employees and customers — and prevent direct and indirect discrimination. Every workplace under the city’s umbrella is eligible for certificatation.
The certification process includes items such as education for employees on the LGBTQ+ cause, an assessment of a workplace’s conditions and an action plan in terms of queer topics.
Individual changing rooms are now available in seven of the city’s eight public pools, with Klébergslaug scheduled for an update. These rooms are aimed at groups such as trans, non-binary and intersex people, as well as parents of children with disabilities or who require special assistance.
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